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Les psychothérapeutes, les étudiants, les conseillers et les personnes travaillant dans des domaines connexes sont cordialement invités à participer à la série de présentations et d’ateliers de perfectionnement professionnel 2024-2025 de la section de la RCN de l’Association canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, comme indiqué ci-dessous. Les ateliers d’une journée entière nécessitent une inscription préalable et une le versement de frais d’inscription (liens pour l’inscription ci-joints)

Série d’exposés mensuels

Les mercredis soir, de 17 h 30 à 19 h 30
Les conférences donnent droit à deux crédits d’éducation permanente (CEP) et prennent place via Zoom et en personne
L’horaire se trouve ci-dessous!

September 18 2024 – Neurofeedback with Tina Wilson, RP

Kick off the season with us on Wednesday, September 18th, from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at Saint-Paul’s University (Room 1130). Expect delicious treats, the chance to reconnect with peers, and an engaging talk on Neurofeedback that you won’t want to miss. Best of all—no registration is needed!

Mark your calendars and prepare for an exciting lineup of both virtual and in-person events this Fall. Details are coming soon!

October 23, 2024 Cognitive Changes and Grief: Heartfelt Strategies for Counsellors and Families presented by: Kelly Wilkinson M.Ed., CCC

Learning Goals: 

  1. Understand the various kinds of cognitive changes, including memory loss, and potential causes.

    1.  How changes and/or decline can impact day to day life, including relationships to self and others.

  2. Examine the relationship between cognitive change and various forms of grief.

  3. Implement effective counselling techniques and supportive tools to enhance therapeutic outcomes with individuals, couples, and families.

  4. Understand the special considerations, like accessibility supports, mental health professionals should incorporate into practice.

  5. Evaluate community resources and programs, including eligibility criteria, purpose, and potential impacts.

About the presenter:

Kelly Wilkinson, M.Ed., CCC, is a psychometrist in neuropsychology and rehabilitation as well as a dedicated counsellor. Specializing in supporting individuals, couples, and
families experiencing cognitive change and challenges, Kelly also guides clients through life transitions. With over a decade of experience in the community mental health sector,
Kelly has a strong background in serving the community and offering compassionate and skilled support. She hopes her presentation will be of help to you and those that you are serving and supporting.

Les participants apprendront à faire ce qui suit :

  1. Identifier les symptômes des problèmes sexuels les plus courants rencontrés par les clients.
  2. Identifier les suggestions et les renseignements les plus efficaces que l’on peut donner aux clients pour résoudre ces problèmes sexuels courants.
  1. Utiliser une approche centrée sur la solution pour conseiller les particuliers et les couples au sujet de leurs plaintes sexuelles.
  2. Déterminer si un renvoi à un spécialiste ou à un prestataire médical est indiqué.


Cliquez ici pour vous joindre par Zoom!

January 29, 2025 – Soul of the World with C.G. Jung and W.B Yeats and Anima Mundi (Virtual)
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

No registration required

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 833 5080 3334
Passcode: 037007

5:30pm – 7:30pm EST

Join us as we explore the Anima Mundi – the “Soul of the World” – first in the work of Swiss psychoanalyst C. G. Jung and Nobel Prize winning Irish poet W. B. Yeats. We will also consider its spiritual and ecological significance for our world today, and how
this ancient idea can help to understand the current climate crisis.

Topics will include:
C. G. Jung and the World Soul
W. B. Yeats and the Anima Mundi
The Anima Mundi and Psychotherapy
Cultural and Historical Perspectives (Berman/Tarnas)
Gaia Theory and Global Warming (Lovelock)
An Indigenous Perspective
Towards an Eco-Psychotherapy (Rust)

We will also invite those attending to reflect on the potential of the Anima Mundi to facilitate both personal and environmental healing.

Bibliography of Presenter

Dr. Hugh McGovern is a Professional Member of CCPA, and a Certified Canadian Counsellor. His degrees in Psychology include an Honours Bachelor of Science from Carleton University, a Master of Arts from the State University of West Georgia, and a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. He has also recently completed a Diploma in Psychoanalysis at the C. G. Jung Institute (in) Zurich. Hugh is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist, and Chartered Psychologist Specialising in Psychotherapy with The Psychological Society of Ireland, and he practiced for many years in the Irish health service. His presentation is a mixture of psychological, literary, scientific, historical, and biographical material relating to climate change, which he believes is largely due to much of humanity’s loss of our historical connection with nature, leading to the destruction of a significant portion of the natural world.

February 12 – What Research Really Says About Psychotherapy: It May Not be What You Think (Virtual)
February 12, 2025 from 5:30-7:30 EST 
No registration requiredJoin Zoom Meeting
ID: 833 5080 3334
Passcode: 037007
About the Presentation
In this presentation, Dr. Tasca will review some of the most important research findings of psychotherapy outcome and process research. He will focus on the practical implications of the research for clinicians: how effective is psychotherapy, do treatments really differ in effectiveness,  what are the factors that improve patient outcomes, and what does the research say about the  therapeutic relationship, therapist characteristics, and patient to which therapists must respond? Some answers may come as a surprise, whereas others may validate what clinicians already know.

About the Presenter

Giorgio Tasca, Ph.D. is a professor in the School of Psychology at the Unviersity of Ottawa. He is also a visiting professor at the University of Bergamo, Italy. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and received the Canadian Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology. Dr. Tasca is the Director of the Psychotherapy Practice Research Network (www.pprnet.ca).


LIEU : Webinaire (Zoom) ou en personne à l’Université Saint-Paul

COÛT : Étudiants : 40 $; membres de la section de la RCN : 85 $; membres de l’ACCP (non membres de la section de la RCN) : 90 $; non membres de l’ACCP : 100$

In-Person Half-Day Workshop – Healing Refugee Trauma: LGBTQ+, Gender Violence, Political & War Torture, Trafficking, and Religious Persecution

Presenter: Mego Nerses

Date: Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm  ET

Location: St. Paul University – 233 Main Street Ottawa, ON. –   Room G1130

CECs: 3


  • Students – $20
  • NCR Chapter members – $40 – ( Promocode: ncrmember2024)
  • CCPA members (non NCR member) – $45
  • Non-CCPA members – $50

Registration Link: https://crm.ccpa-accp.ca/public/event/details/e64fe663d07f1261827b858a1960431e22ea6e1e/1

La Section de la région de la capitale nationale s’engage à être le plus accessible possible en ce qui concerne le développement professionnel. Si vous avez besoin de mesures d’accommodement, veuillez communiquer avec nous par courriel au [email protected] avant l’atelier.