Presented by Dr. Ignatius Odongo, DBA, MPM, FCIM & Prof. Oxford York, PhD, MA, CCC, CTP, CGP, CSTIP, RMFT-Assoc.
Dr. Ignatius Odongo, FCIM, MPM, MBA, DBA is a Strategy and Organizational Development consultant. Dr. Odongo has been involved in several research projects sponsored by the Institute of Development Studies of the University of Sussex (UK), University Research Co. LLC (URC) Center for Human Services (USA), the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health (Centre for Communication Programs), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Oxfam Great Britain, White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood, World Vision International, ZOA Refugee Care and Save the Children. He has a strong passion in working with families, educating youths and creating innovative ways for youth employment in South Africa and elsewhere.
Prof. Oxford York is an integrative psychotherapist and certified informed professional in trauma, grief and sex. He studied Neuroscience and Neuropsychology at McGill University. Also, he has worked for 23 years, in Critical Care, Ambulance and Anesthesia settings before returning to school to complement his knowledge of the human being by studying Spirituality and Counselling at Saint Paul University. This allowed him to understand the mind, body and spirit to incorporate into his private practice for whole-person health and healing. His client work caters to individual, couple and family mental health care needs.
The learning outcome of this webinar is to increase each practitioner’s comprehension on male mental health and how it affects men’s emotional intelligence and psychological safety. Participants will learn to:
- Acknowledge the prevalence and challenges of male mental health issues
- define toxic masculinity and it’s impact on emotional intelligence
- explain how gender socialization influences emotional intelligence
- identify symptoms of men mental health issues
- identify cultural differences in men’s upbringing
- better comprehend black toxic masculinity
- appreciate how healing from toxic masculinity make you a better husband, father, brother and a son
- better inform clients on improving their own health by being active and informed.