The Manitoba Chapter is actively working on achieving regulation in Manitoba as part of FACT-MB. For more information about FACT-MB go to or contact the Manitoba Chapter Board. Contrary to popular belief, regulation does not mean recognition and inclusion in third party insurance plans. For instance, Ontario proclaimed the College of Registered Psychotherapists (RP) in 2015 and Ontario RPs are still actively working to be recognized and included in insurance plans. See more info here: Communication with our colleagues across the country in regulated and unregulated provinces alike shows us that while regulation is critical, it does not translate into recognition and inclusion in insurance plans. Your help is needed for this recognition to occur!
Chapter Executive
Position | Name |
President | Charulata Gupta |
Past President | Amber Dittberner |
Manitoba Nunavut Director | Vacant |
Treasurer | Vacant |
Regulation Committee | Timothy Crawford, Danielle McLarty, Caro Ibrahim |
Indigenous Director | Vacant |
New Member Networking | Vacant |
Continuing Education | Vacant |
Third Party Billing | Dixie Vandersluys |
Secretary | Rebecca Balakrishnan |
Send a message to one of our Manitoba Chapter board members!
Mission Statement
The Manitoba Chapter held an Inaugural Annual General Meeting in January, 2013 and the bylaws were passed by the National Board in February, 2013. The Executive Board is comprised of a President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a maximum of six Directors-at-Large.
The Manitoba Chapter represents a very diverse group of professional psychotherapists and counsellors, as well as students. The objectives of the Manitoba Chapter are as follows:
- Provide a forum for the discussion of critical issues in counselling and psychotherapy on local, regional, and national levels.
- Encourage and support the professional development of counsellors and psychotherapists in Manitoba.
- Foster an inclusive atmosphere for counsellors and psychotherapists working in the diverse communities characteristic of Manitoba.
- Encourage public, organizational, and legislative support of professional counselling and psychotherapists.
- Involvement in efforts aimed at provincial regulations for counsellors and psychotherapists.
- Serve as a direct link with the national Association (CCPA), in a reciprocal exchange, toward the achievement of mutually desired aims and objectives.
Constitution and Bylaws
The Chapter’s bylaws are a set of rules that control the actions of its members and govern the internal management of the Chapter.
Reports, Newsletters and Minutes
- AGM Third Party Billing Report 2021
- AGM Agenda 2021
- Committee Report 2021
- FACT MB Report 2021
- Indigenous Director's Report 2021
- President's Report 2021
- Regional Directors Report 2021
- AGM Minutes 2020
- AGM Treasurer Report 2020
- AGM Agenda - 2019
- Presidents Report - 2019
- Treasurer Report - 2019
- Regional Directors Report - 2019
- Directors Reports - 2019
- AGM Minutes 2019
- AGM Regulation Report - 2018
- AGM Minutes - 2018
- Treasurer`s Report AGM - 2018
- President`s Report AGM - 2018
- Director`s Report - 2018
- AGM Minutes - 2017
- AGM Agenda - 2017
- AGM Minutes - 2016
- Report - April 2014
- AGM Minutes - 2014
- AGM Agenda 2022
You are invited to watch the recording of our ‘meet and greet’ event which includes updated information on the FACT-MB Regulation Committee Process.
We also introduce the new Board Members as well as address any questions about membership in CCPA – Manitoba Chapter.
The date and time of our event was: December 11 2022, at 1:30 pm
video for CCPA MB Meet and Greet Dec 2022.mp4 – Google Drive
Professional Development Activities
The Manitoba Chapter is looking forward to bringing professional development activities to our members. We strive to provide high quality workshops and trainings with an emphasis on evidence based interventions. Most of our professional development activities allow for networking with other professionals and the opportunity to earn continuing education credits. Members will be notified by email when professional development activities are provided.
Coming soon!
Manitoba Third-Party Insurance Campaign
With support from CCPA National and the Manitoba Chapter Board, a group of Manitoba CCPA chapter members have been working for 18 months (so far!) to improve Manitobans access to mental health services through the recognition and inclusion of Manitoba Canadian Certified Counsellor CCPA members in third party insurance plans.
The Third-Party Billing Committee, made up of volunteer Manitoba Chapter members, has been working diligently to:
- Hear from our Manitoba members about
- how the lack of recognition impacts our members and their clients
- what members would be prepared to do to advocate for recognition and inclusion in third party insurance plans
- Develop information and outreach tools to support advocacy efforts
- Develop outreach strategies with Manitoba CCPA members, Manitoba employers, insurers and the public
We need the help of all Manitoba Chapter members to achieve recognition and inclusion in third party insurance plans! Below you will find a brief list of frequently asked questions and links to an infographic and to letters for employers and insurers. A brief description of each tool, and how to use them, is also provided. Helping the effort is a simple as sending a letter, posting the infographic in your office, or sharing it on your social media!
Want to do more? Email us at [email protected]!
Third-Party Insurance Campaign FAQ
Most people receive insurance benefits through their employer. Their employer negotiates and purchases the benefit package through the insurer. Thus, the employer decides what kinds of benefits and coverage it wishes to offer its employees. The insurer provides the benefit package that meets the needs and interests of the payer, notably, the employer. Resultantly, awareness building and advocacy with employers is critical.
The Government of Manitoba is considered both an employer and an insurer. It employs about 12,000 Manitobans directly and another 38,000 Manitobans in public sector jobs (nurses, teachers, etc). The Government of Manitoba also sets provincial policy and benefits for Manitobans accessing mental health services. Advocacy with the government of Manitoba is in planning. Your help will be needed!
Recognition of CCCs varies by insurance provider, insurance plan and even by beneficiary. We have heard of insurers recognizing one client on a plan, but not another client on the same plan. Recognition appears to vary by location, client, employer, insurer and plan. Part of our work is to figure out who is recognizing and including who, what and why and sharing that information with our colleagues and our clients. Your help is needed! Have you had success getting recognized and included in an insurance plan? Tell us at [email protected]
Share the Infographic! Increase awareness! Send a letter on behalf of your client! Write to an employer! Still want to do more? Contact us: [email protected]!
Come out to the Annual General Meetings, Chapter book studies, or social networking meetings. Third party billing committee members will be at these events and available to answer your questions! Can’t make it out? Send us an email at [email protected]. If we get a lot of the same questions, we’ll post common answers here for everyone to see.
Manitoba Third-Party Billing Infographic
View Infographic
What is it? The Manitoba Infographic is our main advocacy and awareness building tool. In 2018 the Government of Manitoba released its commissioned “Virgo” report on the state of mental health services in Manitoba. The Infographic reflects on key findings and needs identified in the Virgo report and illustrates how Manitoba’s CCPA members could help address these needs. The Infographic provides information on the negative economic and productivity impacts of mental illness in the workplace. The Infographic provides information about CCPA members, including their competencies, scope of practice and the current state of regulation across Canada. Finally, the Infographic illustrates how Manitoba CCPA members and their clients are impacted by the lack of recognition and inclusion in third party billing plans through quotes shared by members in our 2019 survey of Manitoba/ Nunavut CCPA members.
How do I use it? Share the infographic broadly! Post it in your office. Bring it to professional learning events, social gatherings, fundraisers and cocktail parties. Post it on Twitter and Instagram. Share it with your friends and families. Provide it to your employer. Provide it to employers you know. Include it in your letters to insurers. Hand it out to parents at your kid’s soccer games. Make a customized t-shirt with the information imprinted on the front and back. The Infographic is about getting people talking. The more people talking, the more people aware of the issue, how it impacts their access to mental health services, and able to advocate on their own behalf.
Manitoba Third-Party Billing Letter to Insurers & Employers
View Letter to Insurers
What is it? The letter to insurers advocates for the inclusion of Manitoba CCC members generally and individually as recognized care providers in insurance plans. The letter provides some information about the CCPA, the scope of practice of CCCs, and the requirements of self-regulation. The letter is written generically for use by professionals on behalf of their clients or to provide to clients who wish to advocate on their own behalf.
How do I use it? Consistency in message is important. Therefore, we ask that you do not change the language of the letter. The letter is intended to be used with the infographic, referring to the infographic for information. Download the letter, if you want, stick it in your own letterhead, identify your name and your client’s name and plan number if advocating specifically for a client (of just your name if advocating generically) sign the letter and stick it in an envelope with the infographic to be mailed to the insurer. You can provide copies to your client for their use directly or point them to the link to download and send the letter and a copy of the infographic to their insurers themselves.
View Letter to Employers
What is it? The letter to employers advocates for the inclusion of Manitoba CCC members generally as recognized care providers in employer-sponsored insurance plans. The letter provides some information about the CCPA, the scope of practice of CCCs, the requirements of self-regulation and the benefits of quick access to mental health services for employees and employers alike. The letter is written for use by professionals to advocate with employers generally or for use by clients to advocate with their employers. The letter is not intended to be used by professionals to advocate for a specific client to the client’s employer.
How do I use it? Consistency in message is important. Therefore, we ask that you do not change the language of the letter. The letter is intended to be used with the infographic, referring to the infographic for information. Download the letter, if you want, stick it in your own letterhead, sign the letter and stick it in an envelope with the infographic to be mailed to the employer. You can provide copies to your client for their use directly or point them to the link to download and send the letter and a copy of the infographic to their employer themselves.