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CCPA has a number of print and online publications available to its members and to non-members.

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To Make a Publication Order:

2023 – Ethics in a Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Context

Co-editors: Dr. Michael N. Sorsdahl, Dr. Roberta A. Borgen and Dr. William A. Borgen


Dr. Michael N. Sorsdahl, CCC, RCC, GCDFi, has over 20 years of ex­perience in group, family, couples, and individual counselling/psychother­apy. Michael is the current chair of the Canadian Counselling and Psycho­therapy Association (CCPA) Ethics Committee – Complaints Division, and is a past-president of the Counsellor Educators and Supervisor’s Chapter. Michael has served as an instructor with several institutions in their coun­selling programs including University of Victoria, University of British Co­lumbia, University of Lethbridge, and Yorkville University. Michael is also a registered psychologist in BC and Alberta in private practice based on his MA in counselling psychology.


Dr. Roberta A. Borgen (Neault), CCC, CCDP, GCDFi, has over 30 years of experience in career and employment counselling, counsellor-ed­ucation, and program and curriculum development. Roberta has served as a instructor within a variety of counselling programs including Athabasca University, Simon Fraser University, Trinity Western University, the Uni­versity of Lethbridge, and the University of British Columbia. Additionally, she’s served as a core faculty member and Associate Dean within the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences at Yorkville University. Roberta has served on the executives of several CCPA chapters including the Counsellor Educator and Supervisors Chapter, Career Counsellors Chapter, and the BC Chapter.


Dr. William A. Borgen, is a professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of British Columbia. He has extensive experience conducting re­search and developing programs regarding life transitions and career devel­opment. His work has been translated and adapted for use in a number of countries. The University of Umea awarded him an honorary doctorate for his leadership in counsellor education in Sweden. Dr. Borgen is a past-Pres­ident of CCPA and has co-chaired the CACEP since 2003. He is an Hon­orary Life Member of CCPA and a Fellow of the Canadian Psychological Association. He was elected President of the International Association for Counselling in May 2019.


ISBN: 978-0-9952097-8-7

2015 – Ethics Based Issues and Cases

Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Experience: Ethics-Based Issues and Cases was published in April 2015.

This text explores ethics-based issues and cases viewed through the lens of the Canadian counselling and psychotherapy context. Its conception and construction represent the collaborative efforts of professional counsellors and psychotherapists from across Canada who, collectively, are committed to fostering informed and reflective practice in the profession.

This new textbook contains almost 600 pages of ethics-based issues and cases. Contributions have been provided by 24 authors.

Co-editors: Lorna Martin, Blythe Shepard, and Ron Lehr

Dr. Lorna Martin‘s background includes education, educational psychology, and counselling. As a former president of CCPA (2011-2013) and a consultant for the Province of Manitoba, she has worked on portfolios related to fair assessment and evaluation, curriculum development and implementation, regulation of the profession, and advocacy for persons with mental health concerns. She is a Canadian Certified Counsellor; holds certification as a Manitoba school counsellor and as a teacher in Manitoba and Ontario, and is a trained arbitrator.

Dr. Blythe Shepard is a Professor in Counselling Psychology at the University of Lethbridge. She was the President of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (2013-2015), and continues to advocate for the counselling and psychotherapy profession and the people it serves. Her areas of interest include: life-career development and counselling, counsellor training and identity, clinical supervision, and child and adolescent mental health.

Dr. Ron Lehr, is a Professor at Acadia University, and President Emeritus of CCPA. He is a contributing author to the second edition of the ethics casebook. His research interests include: counselling ethics, primarily ethical decision making, confidentiality, record-keeping and informed consent; counselllor supervision; and, school counselling.

ISBN 9780969796671

CCPA's Standards of Practice
CCPA's Code of Ethics

*CCPA has published an updated version of its Code of Ethics that is now in effect.

ISBN 9780995209749

More information

PDF version (2020)

CCPA's Supervision of Counselling and Psychotherapy Handbook

Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession

This Handbook is designed to support supervisors and their supervisees as they develop a positive working relationship that is simultaneously collegial, informative, timely, helpful, and developmental.  Throughout this document you will find:

  • Supervision requirements of regulatory colleges
  • Roles and responsibilities of supervisors and supervisees
  • Challenges in supervisory relationships
  • Models and methods of supervision
  • Legal and ethical issues in supervision
  • Competency-based evaluation techniques
  • Forms, templates, and supportive websites

Author: Dr.Blythe Shepard 

Blythe Shepard, Ph.D. is of British and Kanien’kehá:ka (Mohawk) ancestry and is a professor in Counselling Psychology at the University of Lethbridge. She served on the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) Board and Executive for 10 years and is now a President Emerita. She is a member of the BC Task Group/FACTBC responsible for the creation and revision of entry to practice competencies for counsellors. In 2018, she co-chaired the CCPA Clinical Supervision Competency Framework project and the CCPA National Clinical Supervision Symposium. She is currently the chair of the CCPA Advancement of Clinical Supervision Committee and co-chairs the Canadian Certified Counsellor-Supervisor Certification Committee.

Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession Textbook

This textbook has its genesis in more than a decade of pan-Canadian discussion and discourse pertaining to clinical supervision for the profession of counselling and psychotherapy. In particular, we have been attentive to ensuring that the evolution of clinical supervision in the Canadian context is attuned to our demographic, geographic, and professional practice realities. The three editors have taken on leadership roles in the counselling and psychotherapy profession, engaging in initiatives related to professional competency, assessment, ethics, and clinical supervision, and their ongoing intersection. It is with a view to supporting clinical supervision as a recognized and respected specialty area of practice that the Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession was borne and outreach for contributions from leading Canadian researchers, counsellor educators, and authors was nurtured. The textbook contains a total of nineteen chapters, each of which offers diverse perspectives and insights into the current state of, and recommended practices for, clinical supervision in Canada. Our intention is to make available a text that is truly helpful to practitioners of supervision and that will provide a basis for them to develop their own well-informed and well-articulated approach to clinical supervision.

Throughout this book, you will find:

  • The Art and Practice of Supervision: Supporting the Development of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists
  • Clinical Supervision Requirements of Regulatory Colleges and Canadian Professional Associations
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations and Practices in Clinical Supervision
  • Training and Supervision of Clinical Supervisors
  • Models of Supervision
  • Clinical Supervision: Modalities and Methods
  • Acknowledgement and Generativity in Reflective Group Supervision
  • Metaphoric Case Supervision
  • Feminist Supervision
  • Supervision of School Counsellors: An Evolving Practice
  • Supervision of Counselling Students in the Indigenous Community: “Spiritualizing and Not Pathologizing”
  • Career Supervision
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Supervison
  • Navigating Difference and Diversity in the Supervisiory Relationship
  • Culture-Infused Counselling Supervision: Applying Concepts in Supervision Practices
  • eSupervision: Challenges of Text-based Clinical Supervision in an online World
  • Tensions in Counsellor Supervision and Supervisory Self-Care
  • Direct Supervision from Students’ Perspectives
  • Evaluating Outcomes in Supervision Conversations: Recognizing and Assessing Professional Developments from Within the the Supervisory Relationship
  • Looking forward

Shepard, B., Martin, L., & Robinson, B. (Eds.). (2016). Clinical supervision of the Canadian counselling and psychotherapy profession. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association

ISBN 9780995209701

Independent Study Guides (Wkb A & B) – Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession: Structured Readings in Clinical Supervision

Workbook A – Academic Journal Articles and Chapters

*Readings for Workbook A are open-sourced and can be found online at no additional costs to the student.

Workbook B – Readings from textbook Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession (Shepard, Martin, & Robinson, (Eds.), 2016) – Please note that it is possible to purchase this Workbook as a package with the textbook Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession – see  publication order form for more details.

*Readings for Workbook B are found in the textbook Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession, available for purchase from CCPA

Two independent study guides for the counselling and psychotherapy profession provide structured readings in clinical supervision. Contents are structured to align to general competency areas and include an estimate of the time to complete the reading and response items (30 hours per Workbook).

The structured readings are designed for optimal flexibility for use in the classroom, to fulfil continuing education credits, and to fulfil personal goals in clinical supervision.

Note: Depending on the unique requirements of specific credentialing authorities, completing the Workbook activities may partially fulfil directed learning criteria for demonstrating competence in providing clinical supervision. Individual regulatory colleges or associations determine the degree to which Workbook activities may be acceptable. This includes decisions related to the potential submission of reader response items and the number of readings, among other considerations.

Supervision Vignettes

The latest CCPA book on supervision, Clinical Supervision Vignettes: Promoting Competency Through Reflective Practice, is a collection of 45 clinical supervision case studies divided into nine topics. At the end of each vignette, reflective questions, activities, and readings help guide reflection and conversation around the given topic. The vignettes are intended to provide space for reflection, acknowledgement of biases, review and application of ethical codes and standards of practice, and practical takeaways that can be applied to enhance one’s supervision practice and can be used in a variety of contexts including group supervision, peer consultation, supervision of supervision, self-directed study, and for obtaining continuing education credits.