This textbook has its genesis in more than a decade of pan-Canadian discussion and discourse pertaining to clinical supervision for the profession of counselling and psychotherapy. In particular, we have been attentive to ensuring that the evolution of clinical supervision in the Canadian context is attuned to our demographic, geographic, and professional practice realities. The three editors have taken on leadership roles in the counselling and psychotherapy profession, engaging in initiatives related to professional competency, assessment, ethics, and clinical supervision, and their ongoing intersection. It is with a view to supporting clinical supervision as a recognized and respected specialty area of practice that the Clinical Supervision of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Profession was borne and outreach for contributions from leading Canadian researchers, counsellor educators, and authors was nurtured. The textbook contains a total of nineteen chapters, each of which offers diverse perspectives and insights into the current state of, and recommended practices for, clinical supervision in Canada. Our intention is to make available a text that is truly helpful to practitioners of supervision and that will provide a basis for them to develop their own well-informed and well-articulated approach to clinical supervision.
Throughout this book, you will find:
- The Art and Practice of Supervision: Supporting the Development of Professional Counsellors and Psychotherapists
- Clinical Supervision Requirements of Regulatory Colleges and Canadian Professional Associations
- Ethical and Legal Considerations and Practices in Clinical Supervision
- Training and Supervision of Clinical Supervisors
- Models of Supervision
- Clinical Supervision: Modalities and Methods
- Acknowledgement and Generativity in Reflective Group Supervision
- Metaphoric Case Supervision
- Feminist Supervision
- Supervision of School Counsellors: An Evolving Practice
- Supervision of Counselling Students in the Indigenous Community: “Spiritualizing and Not Pathologizing”
- Career Supervision
- Challenges and Opportunities in Supervison
- Navigating Difference and Diversity in the Supervisiory Relationship
- Culture-Infused Counselling Supervision: Applying Concepts in Supervision Practices
- eSupervision: Challenges of Text-based Clinical Supervision in an online World
- Tensions in Counsellor Supervision and Supervisory Self-Care
- Direct Supervision from Students’ Perspectives
- Evaluating Outcomes in Supervision Conversations: Recognizing and Assessing Professional Developments from Within the the Supervisory Relationship
- Looking forward
Shepard, B., Martin, L., & Robinson, B. (Eds.). (2016). Clinical supervision of the Canadian counselling and psychotherapy profession. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association
ISBN 9780995209701