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Learn more about the profession of counselling/psychotherapy
through CCPA’s government submissions, issue papers, media press releases,
and more!

Publications relating to the profession of counselling/psychotherapy

Counselling/Psychotherapy Infographic


COVID-19 Impacts on the Mental Health and Substance Use Health (MHSUH) Workforce in Canada

Learn more about this research from Canadian Health Workforce Network & Mental Health Commission of Canada, in which CCPA participated!


Parity Pledge – call on the Federal Government to pass legislation to provide access to mental health and substance abuse that is on par with physical health!

CCPA, as a member of CAMIMH, supports achieving parity in access to care among mental health, substance abuse, and physical health.


Federal Government Submissions

Canada’s mental health care system is under significant strain: an estimated 5.3 million Canadians reported they needed help for their mental health in 2017, but of these, 43% (2.3 million) reported that their mental health needs were only partially met or fully unmet. The need for counselling was the most likely to be unmet (Moroz, Moroz, D’Angelo, 2020). Improving access to counsellors/psychotherapists is essential in order to address the barriers in accessing mental health services.


Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (HESA) study on Children’s Health (May 20, 2022)


Submission for the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2022 Budget (August 2021)

Read The Document

Cover page of HESA

Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Health (January 2021)

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Submission to the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2021 Budget (August 2020)

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Submission to the Pre-Budget Consultations in Advance of the 2020 Budget (August 2019)

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Issue Papers

The profession of counselling/psychotherapy is diverse; practitioners working in diverse settings such as private practice, schools, universities, agencies, and health care. CCPA’s issue papers highlight professional practice issues relevant to the counselling/psychotherapy in Canada.

Issue Papers


The Urgent Need for Improved Indigenous Mental Health Services in Canada

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Students - Background

Supporting Transition to Adulthood Among Youth with Mental Health Needs

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Recruit Member - Background

Career Matters: the Critical Role Career Development Plays in Mental Health and Wellness

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