Find the right counsellor/psychotherapist for you
This search engine can be used to help you find a Canadian Certified Counsellor (CCC) for counselling/psychotherapy services.
Please consider this search as a starting point in finding the right fit, in a counsellor/psychotherapist. We invite you to visit potential counsellor’s websites for more information. These professionals have obtained our CCC designation and are recognized by CCPA as qualified to provide counselling services in Canada. On this page, you’ll find a list of regulatory bodies throughout Canada.
To view all Canadian Certified Counsellors, click on the search button without filling out any other field. To narrow down your search, use the specific boxes (location, specialization, etc.)
Click yes or no in the Accepting new clients box to list counsellors/psychotherapists who are welcoming new clients.
You can search by specialization area if you are looking for a specific type of therapy such as adolescent/youth counselling, grief and loss counselling etc. Suggestions will appear as you type in the box.
Type the following terms in the specialization field in order to find a therapist providing those services.
Online Counselling: Mental health interventions that use Internet and related technologies in general (including video counselling, for example).
Telecounselling: The provision of mental health services remotely by means of telecommunications technology (using a telephone or TTY, for example).
If you are a practitioner looking for a supervisor, type Supervisor in the specialization field to pull up certified members who have obtained our CCS designation.
Although we take great lengths to make sure the information Although we take great lengths to make sure the information from this search facility is accurate and up-to-date, we are not able to make, and do not make, any claim as to the accuracy of this search facility or the current status or quality of service provided by any professionals found through our search facility. As a result, we are not responsible for any consequences that may result from your use of this search facility or your interactions with any professional contacted through this search facility.