This was my takeaway from the article I was reading on how Sweden beats its winter climate….
In my never ending search to beat the winter and the cold blues I am trying to think and feel differently , and trying to spread this perspective to my clients.
Yes winter is white….Now white can mean bland, boring, dull, monotonous to some, while to others it might mean a blank canvas to start a fresh idea, a barren landscape to sow the seeds of new opportunity.
So what I am proposing in this blog is to think of the white canvas, the landscape as a metaphor of an incubator for our creative ideas.
Creativity does not need any season, any thermostat or thermometer…it needs our mind, our imagination and our attitude to think both inside and outside the box.
As I talk to clients who go through the Seasonal Affective Disorder symptoms and cant wait for summer to arrive, I like encouraging them to use this opportunity to start to think on how to fill that empty canvas, the what background would they like to have, what new goals or ideas they would like to draw….its about reminding them them just like nature, like the tress and the animals…its time to hibernate, to take a break and grow internally….to power pack those seeds which are going to germinate or power pack those energy after a long year that just went past….its longing for those ideas, those creative juices to start taking shape and form so its ready to go whenever one is ready….
The notion that one has to do something or engage in something in order to be creative can easily be demystified if we focused on our internal stimuli, our motivation, our inner energy, our inner powerhouse and what would be the ideal time to do that then now….yes its winter outside, its cold and white ( sometimes) but no one says its dead….its alive as much as we could like to make it…we can stay stay indoors and not make the most of our own time or we can stay indoors ( for those of us who are not winter lovers) and start to gather colors, ideas, resources so that we can paint our year as it unravels….
So can we not let our brain work in mysterious and creative ways at this time of the year?
*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA