SLCHG Pilot Project: Design, Launch, Conflict + Human Factors

Posted by: Linda AK Thompson on March 10, 2014 4:21 pm

PROJECT DESIGN:  February 2013 to Launch of November 2013
Project Time Frame:
  November 2013 to November 2017
Candidate Participants:
7 females  – mid-twenties to 50+ [mean 56].  6 Canadian; 1 American
SLCHG-Core Practitioners:  4 – 1 Trauma Counsellor, 1 Naturopath/Chiropractor,
1 Classical Naturopath + 1 Body Therapist/Intuitive Healer
Entry Program
:  Intake, Significant/Traumatic Lifetime Events History, Crisis + Critical . Occasion Stabilization, Medication Review, Symptom Complex [SC].  Graph, Pre-Treatment Assessment , Establishing Collaborating Team + SC Dissipation + Stabilization [able to contain]
Fulcrum Program
: Stabilized, attending, engaged + compliant with collaborating core + local practitioners with ability to decompress/contain/maintain basic  stability/ADL function while processing/integrating trauma memories between treatments sessions
Cure Program : Feels trauma vortex containers released, reconciled with historic TLE,    . majority of traumatic bereavement=forgiveness of self/others done. Working on positive sense of self / and has well enough worldview.  Able to adapt, self-regulate stressors + accommodates in situations, relationship with significant others, contributes @ home + work.                                                                                                                

Transition Program Option: treatment program suspended for an undetermined period of time as participant attends to acute medical issues, critical or crisis life events.                                                                                          

1) Mood Scale [4]
2) Braverman Nature + Deficiency Tests  [3 – pgs. 44-58]
3) Dissociative Experience Scale [DES] [12]
4) C-PTSD Criteria [10] Research Instrument [16]
5) Feeling Faces Inventory [FFI] Grief Work Instrument [14]
6) Draw-A-Core [DAC]: Projective Core Test [1997] – Personal Core Healing Work
7) 5 Symptom Complex Graph [SC Graph] Research Response Log [16]
8) Treatment/Progress Reports + Evaluations

1) Trauma to Healing Vortex Collaborative Case File
2) Literature Reviews [Counselling Connect]
3) MOT: Homeopath Standing Orders:  Trauma-Specific SC Trials/Single Session Use [15]

There is much work to be done and I will continue to do my best creating/revising the research design + materials to suit the purposes of the project: procedures, collaborative case files, assessment instruments, plus these articles.  I am always going to be behind for the front-line clinical service work comes first.  The most important matters that presented at launch and manifested during the first 3 months [6%] of the project’s Entry Program surrounds Conflictual Treatment Issues + Consensus of Opinion.  These presenting barriers [obstacles] challenged us and the launch was not as smooth as I hoped for because each individual client and their selected collaborating practitioners all have different opinions.

How effective I am in my primary, varied roles/functions as researcher, manager, co-ordinator and trauma psychotherapist to intervene and help us work together towards the participants and project goals is also a complex and loaded question.  However, I will regularly provide brief reviews to the best of my ability.  I welcome + encourage all in this project to provide feedback.

I do believe individual difference is a gift and blessing in disguise [spice of life] and ought not be a human-factor barrier that obstructs the flow of any collective healing experience.  My naïve innocence is shinning through again and that is OK for I do believe this statement holds truth.

Launch, Entry Program [6% of the Journey] Factors:
Each of us brings our own unique personal and work-related, accumulated life experiences and perspectives to the project floor.  A very interesting launch group of 24 people [array of floor tiles], are travelling on this journey for the next 4 years and hopefully, laid down a useful patterned [seen + felt] ground we can all traverse.   Is it biologically plausible that our collective, collaborative associations [bio: rhythms, clocks, markers, knowledge, insights] will lead to coherence to advance treatment and the existing information available on C-PTSD?

4 participants are admitted into their individualized Entry Program and selected the collaborating practitioners they want to work with during this project.  They are:
1) 8 Doctors – 4 primary care, 1 psychiatrist, 2 naturopaths + 1 trauma psychotherapist
2) 8 Body Therapists – 1 physiotherapist, 2 craniosacral, 1 massage + 4 intuitive healers
3) 4 Allied Professionals – 1 homeopath + 3 herbalists

All [100%] of the participants experienced an acute medical illness:  flu, adverse drug effect, Bell’s Palsy, Return Travellers GI Problem and ocular migraine.  One completed her Entry Program and 3 participants are in Transition Programs while attending to treatment to stabilize concurrent medical issues.

Author:  Dr. Linda AK Thompson, PsyD, PACCC, CCC, FAAETS
Owner, Matrix of Trauma (© MOT ™):  Research, Advocacy, Healing


Allen, J.G. (2001).  Traumatic Relationships and Serious Mental Disorders.  New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

APA (2013).  Desk Reference to the Diagnostic Criteria from DSM-5.   Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Braverman, E.R. (2005). The Edge Effect: achieve total health and longevity with the balanced brain advantage.  New York: Sterling Publishing Co. Inc.

Calgary Health Region (CHR – 1999).  Geriatric Depression Scale [GDS]. Adapted from    Sheikh, J.I. & J.G. Yesavage (1986). Clinical Gerontology: a guide to assessment & intervention 165-173.  New York: The Haworth Press

Cardena, E.; S.J. Lynn & S. Krippner. (2000).  Varieties of Anomalous Experience: Examining the Scientific Evidence.  Washington, DC:  American Psychological Association

Courtois, C.A. (1999).  Recollections of Sexual Abuse: treatment principles and guidelines. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc.

Goulding, R.A. & R.C. Schwartz. (1995).  The Mosaic Mind: Empowering the Tormented Selves of Child Abuse Survivors.  New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc.

Herman, J. L. (1992).  Trauma and Recovery: the aftermath of violence – from domestic abuse to  political terror.   New York:  Basic Books.

Noll, R. (1997).  The Aryan Christ.  The Secret Life of Carl Jung.  New York:  Random House

Pelcovitz, D.; van der Kolk, B.A.; Roth, S.; Mandel, F.S.; Kaplan, S. + Resick, P.A. (1997).  Development of a Criteria Set and a Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress [SIDES].  Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10, p.9. Copyright 1997 by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.  Printed with permission pg. 88 in Courtois.

Scaer, R.C. (2005).  The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency.  New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Inc.

Sidran Institute (1995).  The Dissociative Experiences Scale [DES] by Bernstein Carson, E. & Putman, F.W. (1986).  Permission granted in 1995 for use in MOT Research.

Siegel, B.S. (1986).  Love, Medicine & Miracles: lessons learned about self-healing from a surgeon’s experience with exceptional patients. New York: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc.

Thompson, Linda A.K. (1996).  The Matrix of Trauma:  A dissertation – partial fulfilment for requirements for degree of doctor of psychological traumatology in psychological assessments and etymology.  © Unpublished/Sealed.  Summit University of Louisiana, New Orleans:  Louisiana.

Thompson, L.A.K. (2005).  Harmony Project:  Woman’s Support & Enhancement Group:  Nursing Counselling Services (NCS 1990-2012), Private Practice.  Water Valley, AB.

Thompson, L.A.K. & C.A. Zimmerman (2013 – 2017).  MOT: Pilot Project – Silver Linings Core Healing Group [SLCHG]. A Complex-Posttraumatic Stress Disorder [C-PTSD, visionary healing-to-cure, experimental, experiential, applied trauma psychotherapy protocol.

Wilson, J.P.; M.J. Friedman & J.D. Lindy (2001).  Treating Psychological Trauma & PTSD.  New York: Guilford Press


*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

2 comments on “SLCHG Pilot Project: Design, Launch, Conflict + Human Factors”

  1. Jesse says:

    This project showcases an ambitious and comprehensive approach to trauma healing, spanning multiple phases and incorporating diverse assessments. The commitment to individualized care is evident, emphasizing stabilization, integration, and personal growth. The acknowledgment of challenges, especially in managing conflicting opinions, adds a layer of realism to the narrative. The intricate blend of research, management, and therapeutic roles underscores the complexity of trauma intervention. Wishing you continued success in navigating these challenges and contributing to meaningful healing.

  2. Greg Werks says:

    This is one of the finest project designs you can find on the internet; just trust me on that. Project designs just don’t get any better than this!

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