Art and Music Therapy in Rehab and Beyond

Posted by: Priya Senroy on August 15, 2011 12:00 pm

In the last couple of months I have been doing some research on how creative arts therapy can be used to work with clients with disability. This need came up because of two reasons-one I am getting more clients with disabilities in my counseling session-clients with psychical and intellectual disabilities and trying to adapt my creative arts background in my current counseling practice. The second need is also to equip myself with tools so that I am ready to gear my practice under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act ( AODA) which is coming into effect  in 2012.

I found this video shared by the department of rehabilitation medicine, University of Washington. The presentation is an hour long but gave me an insight on some of the basic techniques or tools that I could adapt and modify in my current practise. Even though is primarily based on art and music, I think creative arts counsellors from all kinds of ‘art’ background would be able to take away some ‘teachable moments’ from this video.

Art and Music Therapy in Rehab and Beyond from NW Regional SCI System on Vimeo.

On a personal level, it was also inspirational as well as motivational in my journey of working with people with disability.

*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

1 comment on “Art and Music Therapy in Rehab and Beyond”

  1. Nice Blog, Thank you for sharing a valuable topic.

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