For me at least, life has seemed like a script straight out of a low budget movie. Humanity has endured so much in recent years, from the pandemic, to wars and rumors of wars, to our basic foundations being disrupted; it’s been a time of intense and immense change. Not only have we endured turbulence on a global scale, but at home as well. I’ve had friends who’ve lost loved ones, I too, have lost a few. My own health has waned at times, while I’ve known others struggling to stay alive. We’ve endured political and religious strifes. We’ve maneuvered a wave of geo-economic uncertainties, followed by a tide of humanitarian necessities. We’ve witnessed global disasters, riots, and an essential breakdown of our cultures. There has always been a sort of ebb-and-flow related to humanity, but these times are our times, and not something read in a manuscript from long ago. Therefore, how do you manage times of global uncertainties, strifes, and the reshaping and redefining of our cultures? Discovering peace in difficult times is not anomaly. It’s an absolute possibility! Whether you’ve struggled with your health, finances, job security, or some other personal hardship; there is a way of finding peace within your heart and mind. So, what is peace? Peace is the knowledge that no matter what is occurring within your life, you can find a sense of calm and personal tranquility. It’s that ability of being reassured that you’ll make it through the storm. There are many approaches to discovering peace within, but understand that such peace of mind, thoughts, and perceptions will only manifest through your personal efforts. So, how do I achieve such peace? Achieving such peace can occur through one’s personal efforts or it may be achieved through the guidance of a trained professional. Please understand that achieving peace will not eliminate hardships that come your way, but rather it can help you to endure and find calm in the midst of a storm. Storms are a natural part of life, but it’s how you face those storms that can make a world of difference.
Please understand that there isn’t a quick fix for stress and anxiety, but through the daily replication of the following tools you’ll discover a more serene life. Likewise, many of these tools can be implemented by anyone, anywhere and at anytime. Please note that the benefits of such exercises increase when practiced regularly.
Deep Breathing Exercises.
There are a number of benefits from such an exercise. The key to a majority of breathing exercises is one’s personal comfortability, suitability and ability to isolate oneself for a few minutes. The ideal amount of time is approximately 10 to 15 minutes. Be certain that you are capable of stepping away from any momentary cares and setting aside all devices that may cause a distraction. The physiological and psychological benefits are numerous and they may include:
• reduction in tension, stress and anxiety
• improvement in focus and one’s overall clarity
• decrease one’s susceptibility to colds and other illnesses
• research has shown that breath work is capable of placing an individual in the moment and shifting them from past harms and challenges
• has been shown to create a stream of inner peace and tranquility.
It’s the type of exercise that can prove foreign to those that haven’t utilized it before, but overtime it’s capable of bringing calm, balance and peace. There are many benefits related to such an exercise, which may include:
• creating more awareness of the self, your surroundings and others
• decreasing stress, anxiety, and negative emotions
• it’s capable of lowering your resting heart rate and blood pressure
• improving focus and personal clarity
• immediately and unconsciously prompting you to relax in times of elevated stress
• it’s capable of managing physiological and psychological conditions.
Progressive Muscle Relaxation.
It’s through this mindful exercise that an individual is capable of reducing a number of physiological and psychological concerns. As humans, we are often unaware that we carry a lot of our stress in our muscles. The benefits of Progressive Muscle Relaxation include:
• it’s capable of decreasing stress and anxiety
• improving one’s overall cognition and mental health
• improving one’s psychological awareness of their physiological self and visa versa
• it may decrease issues related to bruxism, TMJ, and other orthodontic disorders
• improve issues around the neck, back, and shoulders
It is one of my favorite psychological tools, because it can assess our personal progress and provide significant insights into our perceptions, mindset, and
journey. Journaling can vary dependent on an individual’s comfortability and ease with divulging personal information. Please note, it is prudent that you are capable of sharing information within your journal without fear of retribution, intimidation or harm. In recent years, technology has made it easier to create a confidential journal. I highly recommend using software or an application that requires a password and biometric measurements (e.g. fingerprint mapping, facial recognition and retina scans).
There are many benefits related to journaling, they include:
• insights into an individual’s personal journey
• insights into an individual’s personal relationships
• improvement in one’s mental health
• boosts emotional intelligence, memory and mental health
• it’s an excellent way to strategize and plan for the future
• journaling has an unique way of reaffirming an individual’s self-worth
Daily Affirmations.
Affirmations are the ultimate supportive tool. It’s a tool that not only can have an incredible effect on your way of thinking, but on those that you interact with. Affirmations are the quintessential therapeutic tool, because it is derived from the individual. In my work, I have frequently started my patients off with basic prewritten affirmations, then I ask my patients to create their own. It’s this task that has the patient looking deep within their personal psyche. While there are a variety of approaches and styles, it’s the individual’s willingness to approach this with sincerity and acceptance that makes this tool a true success. In simple, affirmations are derived from quotes, statements, or ideas that reaffirm an individual’s personal self-worth, goodness, and acceptability. It’s identifying and believe the words that you consume.
Examples of Constructive Affirmations:
• “Who you are inside is what helps you make and do everything in life.”
~ Fred Rogers
• “Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.”
~ Maya Angelou
• “I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was.”
~ Muhammad Ali
• “Life is like a riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”
~ Albert Einstein
• “Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”
~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Please do not grow weary on your journey. Life is filled with many obstacles and remember they are begging you to go around them. Do not fret if you have relapses or setbacks. Life isn’t about obtaining some form of perfection, but it’s about enjoying each leg of the journey. Do not worry if you fail or succeed, because it too is about living out the experience. Focus on the process and the opportunity to learn more about you. Enjoy each moment and each encounter throughout your life. The good and the bad that occur are simply mile markers and not definitive of your worth or acceptability. Allow yourself time to heal and transform into the ultimate you. Being you is what it is all about. Nothing less and nothing more. Life is a journey and it’s how you approach it that will make all the difference.
*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA
Dr. Brown, your words resonate with me. As a clinical psychologist, I can’t believe that you aren’t greater known in the academic community. I’ve read several of your articles on CCPA and I’ve gone intentional looked and read several of your other publications abroad. You are a remarkable thinker and writer. I am a graduate of Cornell University, they are at the top 5% in the country. I will be submitting your name to Cornell as a future speaker. I will going further to recommend your name as a speaker at the American Psychological Association. Your words not only resonate with me, but there is something about your clinical impressions that seem extraordinary.
Dr. Rosenberg
I like your line : Life isn’t about obtaining some form of perfection, but it’s about enjoying each leg of the journey. I maintain that we live in a time where so many of us fall into the trap of thinking that we have to get from point A to point B as fast as we can, and that we have to do it flawlessly, as though failing to do so will prove our worst fears to be true. The anxiety and depression that comes from that mentality is mind-blowing when you look at it closely. We should really slow down and enjoy every moment of this journey we call life.