What Happened to Rites of Passage?

Posted by: Grant M. Waldman, MA, CCC, CIAS III on July 4, 2019 1:54 pm

When was the last time you heard of a bunch of boys being taken out to the wilderness by the men of a village to experience a Rites of Passage? My guess is that not many of you have. Fortunately for this writer, I have been involved in this work for both boys and men over the past dozen years.

My first exposure to this work came through a men’s group that I joined in Indianapolis (of all places). It was a safe place for men to gather to share their truth without judgement. I later learned that the man who founded the group was initially involved with a larger organization that was then called: “The New Warriors”.  It would take me seven years until I met up with this organization again. By that time, it had changed its name to: “The Mankind Project” (MKP) – an organization based in the mid-western United States that has spread to many parts of the globe.

Once I connected with MKP, I was invited to attend a Rites of Passage weekend for men called: “The New Warrior Training Adventure”.  This was a very powerful rites of passage experience that invited me to take a deeper look at my life.  Since going through my weekend, I have invited many men to experience the weekend and it has changed many lives and rippled out into the world.

After being involved with MKP, I realized that I wish I had experienced this rites of passage when I was much younger, and was hopeful that my son could experience this for himself. Low and behold, I came across Boys to Men, a rites of passage experience for boys.  I wasted no time in bringing my son to a weekend and, following that, organized several men in my community in order to bring the weekend to us. We  ended up delivering the rites of passage several times in our own community!

This is powerful healing work for boys and men that I would invite therapists to investigate for clients with whom they believe would benefit from this empowering experience. There are a number of YouTube videos that are worth watching for further insights.

*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

1 comment on “What Happened to Rites of Passage?”

  1. Thank you for this! This is the medicine we need, as men, now more then ever! Reconnecting with the blessings brotherhood, elders, wilderness and discipline! Check out our upcoming Father & Son Rites of Passage Camp Aug 19-22 2019 at Camp Koolaree on Kootenay Lake! https://www.facebook.com/events/335666897268246/ A blessing that goes both ways for the Fathers as a village of men and for the teenage son’s pathways to manhood! Registration is open! https://kootenayritesofpassage.secure.retreat.guru/program/father-son-rites-of-passage-camp-2019/?lang=en

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