Tony Laderoute
Senior Director, Finance and Operations
It is my pleasure to serve as Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), a national professional association that has seen tremendous growth over its 55+ years. We aim to support our thousands of members across the country in such areas as professional development, ethical practice, certification, networking, and advocacy.
Promoting the counselling/psychotherapy profession and achieving its recognition is a priority focus for CCPA. The importance of this work is amplified by the significant mental health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing need for improved access to services, particularly virtual. In addition to our independent advocacy efforts, CCPA collaborates with provincial/territorial, national and international groups to advance the mental health field and champion timely, qualified and appropriate care.
I invite you to peruse our website to learn more about the collective work of our National Office Staff, our Board of Directors, our various Committees and our regional and special interest Chapters. We welcome your feedback and ideas!
Kim Hollihan, EdD
Chief Executive Officer
Ghada Torkhani
Executive Advisor & Risk Management Director
Senior Director, Finance and Operations
Accounting Coordinator
Membership Administrator
Membership Administrator
Senior Director, Certification and Continuing Education
Manager, Continuing Education
Ethics Complaints Coordinator
Certification Administrator
Certification Administrator
Certification Administrator
Certification Administrator
Associate Registrar
Associate Registrar
Associate Registrar
Team Lead, CEC
CEC Administrator
CEC Administrator
CEC Registrar
Senior Director, Communications and Partnerships
Communications Officer
Project Coordinator
Event Planner
Communications Coordinator
Project Coordinator
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives
Lead, Indigenous Relations.
Policy and Research Analyst
Director of National Advocacy & Stakeholder Engagement
Indigenous Advocacy Lead / Student Representative Coordinator
Clinical Supervision Lead
Regional Advocacy Lead
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