Please note that our awards form must accompany all of these award applications. The nominator/candidate must submit the nomination documentation under each award to [email protected] using the subject line “Award Name – Name of Nominee”.
The Awards
- The CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award
- The CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award
- The Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism
- The CCPA Practice-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Award
- The CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
- The CCPA Counsellor Leadership Award
- The CCPA Masters Thesis Award
- The CCPA Research or Professional Article Award
- The CCPA Counselling Book Award
- CCPA/BMS Student Bursary Award
- The CCPA Student Representative Award
- The CCPA Conference Travel Grant
- The CCPA Student Conference Travel Grant
- NCCPA Annual Conference Research Poster Awards
1. The CCPA Resources And Training Materials Award
Purpose: To recognize the development of counselling resources and training materials in Canada.
Amount: $500 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- The development work must be done in Canada and have been completed in the two years preceding the award presentation.
- The developer must be a CCPA member in good standing. In the case of multiple developers, at least one must belong to the Association.
- The counselling resources or training materials must be available to the profession through some medium of distribution.
To nominate
- Submit one (1) complete copy of the counselling resources or training material eligible for the award (this will be returned). Electronic copies are welcome.
- Submit a statement indicating where copies of the materials may be obtained and the costs involved. Indicate the primary developer if there is more than one author.
- Letter of Intent/Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met and how the proposed resource(s) will assist counsellors/counselling profession in Canada (250-500 words).
- Two (2) letters of recommendation: These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing.
General guidelines for assessment
- Resources/materials accompanied application
- Originality
- Degree to which the work can be considered a valuable contribution to the advancement of Counselling in Canada
- Strength of letters of recommendation.
- Style and presentation.
2. The CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award
Purpose: To recognize exceptional CCPA counsellor practitioners.
Amount: $1000 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- The nominee must be a CCPA member in good standing providing a direct counselling service.
- The nominee must meet most of the following criteria. They must:
- be involved in ongoing professional development and program development.
- demonstrate excellence in leadership as a practicing counsellor.
- illustrate competence in counselling and effectiveness of both skills and service.
- be involved both within and outside the work community to promote counselling.
- represent the optimal model of a caring person and professional whose knowledge, skills, and talents are valued by clients and colleagues.
To nominate
- Any one (1) member of CCPA other than the nominee must sign the nomination form.
- Letter of Intent/ Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation: These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award and a brief explanation of the impact of the nominees contributions (250-500 words). At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing.
Assessment Criteria
- Involved in ongoing professional development and/or program development;
- Demonstration excellence in leadership as a practicing counsellor;
- Demonstrate competence in counselling and effective skill and service;
- Promoting the profession of counselling in a personal and professional manner;
- Respected by clients and colleagues as the optimal model of a caring person and professional whose knowledge, skills and talents are valued by clients and colleagues.
3. The Robert Langlois Award For Bilingualism
Purpose: To recognize CCPA members that promote bilingualism through counselling.
Amount: $500 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- The nominee must have made a significant contribution to the promotion of bilingualism in or through counselling.
- The nominee must be a CCPA member in good standing.
To nominate
- Any two (2) members of CCPA other than the nominee must sign the nomination form.
- Letter of Intent/Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation: These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing.
4. The CCPA Practice-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Award
Purpose: To recognize CCPA members providing practice-based research advancement to the counselling and psychotherapy field.
Amount: $2,000 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- Cutting edge research project must be practice-based; that is, the project incorporates an element of practice in the methodology or research output
- Quantitative and qualitative research proposals are acceptable
- Collaboration with community partners is encouraged but not essential
- Recipient must hold CCC designation
- Research project must be designed to enhance or advance counselling-related practices and/or provide leadership to the profession.
- Research must encompass and incorporate a social justice perspective
To nominate
- Submission of project proposal, including:
- Duration of project
- Researcher(s) and affiliation
- Description of project and how it will enhance or advance counselling related practices and/or provide leadership to the profession (250-500 words)
- Confirmation that ethical review board approval will be sought if relevant.
- Funding (if any) and a budget outlining how the money is planned to/been spent
- References
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of Intent/Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met, and that parameters of funding will/have been met
- Two (2) letters of recommendation: These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing.
What is practice-based research?
- practice is an integral component
- specifically undertaken with a view to generating outputs and outcomes with a defined application to counselling; and/or
- it theorizes contemporary practice in order to inform the researcher’s individual practice.
- outputs and outcomes generate new or enhanced knowledge and understanding in the discipline; and/or be undertaken with a specific view to generating outputs and outcomes with a defined application (for example, new or improved products, processes, materials, or policy guidance).
Parameters of Award Funding:
- Research projects may receive one-time funding only
- Award may not supplement a major research grant (e.g., SSHRC, CIHR)
- Recipient will provide update to CCPA on research progress within 12 months of receiving the award
- Recipient agrees to present findings at CCPA National Conference*
- Recipient agrees to write a summary article suitable for publication in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy (CJCP) (publication at the discretion of the journal editor)
- Permission is granted to CCPA use the material in Webinars or other CCPA publications but CCPA does not limit the author’s publication of the material.
*Note: Attendance and accommodations at the conference are not covered by the grant.
Assessment Guidelines
- Cutting edge research that is practice-based;
- Quantitative and qualitative research proposals;
- Collaboration with community partners encouraged
- Research enhances or advances counselling/psychotherapy practices or provides leadership within the field
- Research project enhances Social Justice counselling practices/knowledge
- Research project shows respect for diversity and honours diverse ways of knowing
- Recipient may not have previously received this award or funding/grants
- Strength of the letter of Intent and the letters of reference
5. The CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
Purpose: To recognize outstanding research and development , which contributes to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy at the doctoral level.
Amount: $500 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- The dissertation must be part of the requirements of an accredited university for a doctoral degree specializing in counselling related field.
- The author must be a CCPA member in good standing.
- The dissertation must be completed and approved by the student’s examining committee in one of the two calendar years preceding the award presentation.
- Letter of intent must clearly articulate how the dissertation contributes to the field of counselling and psychotherapy (250-500 words).
- Letter of Intent/purpose which demonstrates the required Criteria, including two suitable letters of reference as outlined in the criteria below.
To nominate
One complete copy of the dissertation (electronically)
- One summary of dissertation – not more than twenty (20) pages suitable for publication in a CCPA Publication (Candidate must agree to consider publication in a CCPA publication. The decision to publish rests solely with the Editor; winning this award does not guarantee publication, only the opportunity for consideration).
- Please indicate if and where this material will have been published by the following September, if not a CCPA publication.
- Letter of Intent/ Purpose:
- Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met and how the dissertation will assist or enhance counselling practice/profession in Canada (250-500 words)
- Two (2) letters of recommendation/ reference:
- One letter from a scholarly/academic source or member of supervision committee. Second letter from another source of applicant’s choice who can speak to research abilities as relevant. Both references must be familiar with the candidate’s dissertation and can speak to its relevance to the field of counselling and psychotherapy).
General guidelines for assessment
- Originality
- Results & Findings: Applicability & Impact for Counselling
- Importance of the work to Counselling in Canada
- Strengths & Limitations
- Writing style and overall quality of presentation
6.The CCPA Counsellor Leadership Award
Purpose: To honour excellence in provincial or national leadership by a CCPA member that encourages advancement of the profession
Amount: $ 1000
Criteria of eligibility
- The nominee must be a CCPA Certified member in good standing for at least three (3) years
- The nominee must be involved in ongoing professional development and/or program development at a provincial or national level
- Demonstrate excellence in leadership by:
- making major contributions through innovative research, publications, presentations related to the profession of counselling and psychotherapy
- advocating for a strong professional counsellor educator/counsellor identity
- Illustrate competence in counselling and effectiveness of both skills and service
- Be involved both within and outside the work community to promote counselling and psychotherapy
- Share knowledge and skills with professional colleagues, agencies, organizations, students and the public
To nominate
- Any one (1) member of CCPA other than the nominee must sign the application form.
- Information and documentation must be provided and sent electronically to substantiate the eligibility criteria stated above.
- Electronic versions of supporting letters from at least three other professionals (not including the nominator) in the field must be provided.
7. The CCPA Master’s Thesis Award
Purpose: To recognize the work of CCPA Master’s Level Students
Amount: $500 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- The Master’s thesis must be part of the requirements of a recognized university for a Master’s degree specializing in counselling.
- The author must be a CCPA student member in good standing.
- The thesis must be completed and approved by the student’s examining committee in one of the two calendar years preceding the award presentation.
To nominate
- One complete copy of the thesis
- One summary of thesis – not more than twenty (20) pages suitable for publication in a CCPA Publication. (Candidate must agree to consider publication in a CCPA publication. The decision to publish rests solely with the Editor; winning this award does not guarantee publication, only the opportunity for consideration). Please indicate if and where this material will have been published by the following September, if not a CCPA publication.
- Letter of Intent/ Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met and how the thesis will assist or enhance counselling practice/profession in Canada (250-500 words)
- Two (2) letters of recommendation/ reference:
- One letter from a scholarly/academic source or member of thesis supervision committee.
- Second letter from another source of applicant’s choice who can speak to research abilities as relevant. Both references must be familiar with the candidate’s thesis and can speak to its relevance to the field of counselling and psychotherapy).
General guidelines for assessment
- Originality
- Methodology
- Writing style and overall quality of presentation
- Strengths and limitations
- Findings and results
- Importance of the work to Counselling in Canada
8. The CCPA Research or Professional Article Award
Purpose: To recognize research or publications of CCPA members
Amount: $450
Criteria of eligibility
- The article must be published in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy or COGNICA in the two years preceding the award event.
- The author must be a CCPA member in good standing. In the case of multiple authors, at least one author must belong to the Association.
- The article must report the results of an empirical inquiry in counselling or its related fields.
To nominate
- Submit one (1) electronic copy of the article.
- If there is more than one author, indicate those who are primary writers and those who, as secondary writers, contributed to the research.
General guidelines for assessment
- Originality
- Methodology
- Writing style and overall quality of presentation
- Strengths and limitations
- Findings and results
- Importance of the work to Counselling in Canada
9. The CCPA Counselling Book Award
Purpose: To recognize book publications of CCPA members
Amount: $450
Criteria of eligibility
- The book must be written by a Canadian author or authors and must be published in the two years preceding the award event. The same book cannot be considered for two consecutive book awards due to the overlap of publication dates or event dates that may occur.
- The book must not be a compilation of articles arranged by an editor.
- The author must be a CCPA member in good standing. In the case of multiple authors, at least one author must belong to the Association.
To nominate
- Submit one (1) copy of the book. This will be returned.
- Submit one (1) electronic copy of an independent review that could be published in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy
General guidelines for assessment
- Originality
- The work must be considered a valuable contribution to the advancement of Counselling in Canada
- Overall quality of style and presentation.
10. CCPA/BMS Student Bursary Award
BMS, the CCPA professional liability insurance broker of choice, has provided two $500 awards to support graduate students research in Counselling.
Eligibility: Applicants must be CCPA Student Members currently enrolled as student in a Canadian graduate counselling program.
To nominate:
- A brief summary of their research , letter of approval of their university’s ethics committee
- Letter of Intent/ Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met and address the following points:
- Current and past involvement with CCPA (include your CCPA Student Membership number)
- Current program of studies, areas of interest/ research plan
- Up to date official transcript demonstrating academic excellence
- Two (2) letters of recommendation: These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be from the student’s research supervisor.
Review Process: A CCPA panel will review applications. Criteria for evaluation will include merit of the research proposal for the field of counselling and of individual applications.
11. NEW – The CCPA Student Representative Award
Purpose: To recognize the work of an outstanding CCPA Student Representative
Amount: $500 plus a certificate
Criteria of eligibility
- Be a CCPA member in good standing.
- Be currently serving, or be within two years following term, as CCPA Student Representative at a Canadian University.
- Have served as a student representative for a minimum term of one year (academic or calendar year).
To nominate
- Submit one (1) letter of Intent/Purpose that includes a description of how the required criteria (below) have been met
- Submit two (2) letters of recommendation which should also address how the required criteria (below) have been met
- One from a student member of CCPA
- One from either (a) the student’s Regional Director, or (b) a counsellor educator from the student’s university
Assessment Guidelines
- Fulfilment of Student Representative responsibilities as laid out by the CCPA National Office;
- Involvement in the promotion of CCPA by providing relevant information to students through various means (information sessions, social events, Facebook, etc.);
- Demonstrates ability to recruit new student members;
- Has worked to recruit a suitable successor;
- Involvement in CCPA related activities outside an academic setting (CCPA Conferences, Chapter involvement, Student Newsletter participation, etc.);
- Overall competence and leadership as a Student Representative (e.g., completes tasks in a timely fashion; mentors and demonstrates leadership in role as liaison between CCPA and students and faculties; demonstrates passion, initiative and/or creativity in the fulfilment of duties.)
12. CCPA Conference Travel Grant
Purpose: To assist a CCPA member to attend the CCPA Annual Conference. Award recipients must attend the full conference.
Amount: We are offering 6 conference travel grants for professional members covering the earlybird registration fee.
Eligibility Criteria:
-The nominee must be a CCPA member (professional) in good standing.
To nominate:
- Application form, with a current CV.
- Letter of Intent/ Purpose: Letter must include a description of how the required criteria have been met and address the following points:
- Current and past involvement with CCPA (include your CCPA Membership number)
- Current area of work or practice in the Counselling field and a letter explaining how attendance at the conference would benefit your practice (250-500 words)
- Confirmation of desire and plan to attend next CCPA Annual Conference (preference will be given to those members already registered and/or those candidates who are presenting at the conference)
- Evidence of geographic distance / logistical complexity that makes Conference attendance difficult
- Two (2) letters of recommendation:
- These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing
NB: Student members are not eligible to apply for the CCPA Conference Travel Grant.
- These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing
- Upon successful receipt of the award, the candidate must register for the upcoming CCPA Annual Conference at least 14 days prior to the conference. Should the candidate not meet this condition, the grant will be revoked and offered to another candidate.
12. CCPA Conference Student Travel Grant
Purpose: To assist a CCPA student member to attend the CCPA Annual Conference. Award recipients must attend the full conference.
Amount: We are offering 4 conference travel grants for student members covering the earlybird registration fee.
Eligibility Criteria:
-The nominee must be a CCPA member (student) in good standing.
To nominate:
- Application form, with a current CV.
- Letter of Intent/ Purpose:
- Current and past involvement with CCPA (include your CCPA Student Membership number)
- Current program of studies, areas of interest/research plan and a letter explaining how attendance at the conference would benefit development/practice (250-500 words)
- Confirmation of desire and plan to attend next CCPA Annual Conference (preference will be given to those members already registered and/or those candidates who are presenting at the conference)
- Evidence of geographic distance / logistical complexity that makes Conference attendance difficult
- Two (2) letters of recommendation: These letters must be from individuals who can speak to how the person meets the criteria for this award. At least one of these individuals must be a CCPA member in good standing
NB: Regular members are not eligible to apply for the CCPA Student Conference Travel Grant. - Upon successful receipt of the award, the candidate must register for the upcoming CCPA Annual Conference at least 14 days prior to the conference. Should the candidate not meet this condition, the grant will be revoked and offered to another candidate.
14. NEW – CCPA Annual Conference Research Poster Awards
Purpose: To recognize research poster excellence at the annual CCPA national conference.
Amount: Three first, second, and third place awards, plus a certificate:
- 1st Place: $450
- 2nd Place: $300
- 3rd Place: $150
Criteria of eligibility
- Entrant must be a CCPA member in good standing. In the case of multiple authors, one author is required to be a member from any membership category.
- Poster has been accepted for presentation as a part of the Conference’s peer review process.
- Where a poster has more than one author, at least one of the poster’s authors must be available to present the poster to the judging committee.
- Poster should (a) contain original empirical research findings and (b) discuss the implications for counselling theory, research, and/or practice (as applicable). Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods studies are equally welcome.
- Entrant may submit only one first‐authored poster for consideration.
To nominate
Members may self‐nominate. All individuals who confirm acceptance of the CCPA’s offer to present their poster at the conference will be asked to indicate whether they would like that their poster to be considered for the award at the time of notification.
- The application form should be fully completed with the following information:
(a) poster title and request that it be adjudicated at the conference;
(b) name of all authors/co‐authors, including one presenter who has registered for the conference; and
(c) poster abstract which includes methodology and implications for counselling research, practice and/or theory.
General guidelines for assessment
- Background
- Methodology
- Results
- Conclusion/Limitations/Implications
- Visual Presentation/Impact
- Oral Presentation/Impact