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The Board President (voting) and Chief Executive Officer (non-voting) are considered to be ex-officio members of all standing committees except in cases where the committee composition explicitly states otherwise (for example, the Appeals Committee).

Advancement of Clinical Supervision (ACS)


  • Lori Rudniski (Chair)
  • Claire Charbonneau
  • Kim Hollihan
  • Angelica Germanese (Board)
  • Michael Towers (Board)
  • Tanya Surette (Board)
  • Janice Graham-Migel
  • Kelly Brenton
  • Liette Goyer

Purpose: To provide national leadership for the advancement of clinical supervision in Canada under the direction of the CCPA Executive.
To provide timely research and recommendations related to clinical supervision to the Executive of CCPA as requested.

Appeals Committee


  • George Maringapasi 
  • Carrie Foster (Chair)
  • Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw

Purpose: The purpose of this committee is to deal with appeals of decisions of the Ethics Committee, the Ethics Adjudication Committee, the Registrar of Certification, and other CCPA decisions.

Anti-Racism Advisory Group Committee


  • George Maringapasi (Co-Chair)
  • Margot Mutombo (Staff)
  • Charity Fleming (Staff)

Purpose: The purpose of the Anti-Racism Advisory Group Committee is to inform and support the CCPA national office and board of directors on issues and initiatives related to anti-racism from community perspectives.

Awards Committee


  • Janis Dawson (Chair)
  • Tanya Surette (Board)
  • Angelica Germanese (Board)


Purpose: The purpose of the Awards Committee is to oversee the CCPA Awards program.

Certification Committee


  • Jeff Landine (Chair)
  • Tammy Blahy
  • Priya Senroy
  • Leah Lewis

Purpose: The purpose of the Certification Committee is to advise the CCPA Board of Directors with respect to the procedures and eligibility criteria of its counsellor certification program.

Council on Accreditation of Counsellor Education Programs (CACEP)


  • Dr. Bill Borgen (Co-Chair)
    Dr. Sharon Robertson (Co-Chair)

Purpose: The purpose of the CACEP Committee is to oversee and manage the CCPA accreditation program, which involves providing professional and arms-length evaluation of counsellor education programs.

The Terms of Reference for CACEP provide more information regarding the committee.

Ethics Committee - Complaints Division


  • Michael Sorsdahl (Chair)
  • Mary Hernandez
  • Pat Wentzell
  • Daniel Nadon
  • Patricia Jones
  • Cathryn Beck
  • Janice Graham-Migel
  • Alison Arthur

Purpose: The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to advise the Board of Directors on all matters pertaining to the Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, the Ethics Casebook, and the complaints and disciplinary procedures.

The Complaints Division responds to ethical complaints made against CCPA Members.

Ethics Committee - Queries/Education Division


  • Jennifer Bennett
    Leanna Craig
    Michael Gabriel
  • Serge Hall
    Christina Sguazzin
  • Cristelle Audet (Chair)

Purpose: The purpose of the Ethics Committee is to advise the Board of Directors on all matters pertaining to the Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice, the Ethics Casebook, and the complaints and disciplinary procedures.

The Queries/Education Division responds to Member queries related to ethics and standards of practice.

Executive Committee


  • Carrie Foster (chair)
  • Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw
  • George Maringapasi
  • Kim Hollihan (CEO-Non-Voting)

Purpose: The Executive Committee possesses specific powers under the By-laws to make decisions between board meetings if necessitated by unusual circumstances. Such decisions are subject to ratification by the Board at its next meeting. The Executive Committee also has responsibility for the annual performance evaluation of the Chief Executive Officer and for making recommendations to the Board with respect to his/her performance, continuing tenure and compensation.

Governance Committee


  • Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw (Board)
  • Vicki-Anne Rodrigue (Board)

Purpose: The Governance Committee shall be responsible for recruitment, nomination and orientation of Board members; evaluation of Board members and the Board itself; succession planning for the Board and its Committees; regular review and recommendations with respect to the By-laws and the governance policies; auditing compliance with the By-laws and governance policies; and, such other duties as the Board may from time to time assign by resolution.

Indigenous CEC Review Panel


  • Danielle  Lambrecht
  • Pamela Ana
  • Carla Pauls
  • Mary Earls
  • Lauren O’Keefe

Purpose: The Indigenous CEC Review Panel engages in the timely and culturally congruent review and evaluation of Indigenous Continuing Education Credit (CEC) applications provided by CCPA members, and determines if they are eligible based on the current Indigenous CEC table related to traditional teachings, healing ceremonies, and community engaged scholarship.

Quality Assurance and Sustainability Committee


  • Kevin Alderson (Chair)
  • Dawn Horner-Wilson (Board)
  • Maria De Cicco (Board)
  • Kaitlin Munn (Board)

Purpose: To audit and evaluate the effectiveness of the organization in meeting approved program and service objectives and to ensure that program and service delivery is generally provided in a manner consistent with recognized standards for good practice. Annual objectives, benchmarks for progress, audits on programs and services.

Risk Management Committee


  • George Maringapasi (Chair)
  • Carrie Foster
  • Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw
  • Kim Hollihan (CEO-Non-Voting)

Purpose: The purpose of the Risk Management Committee is to ensure the development and implementation of a comprehensive Risk Management Program. It is responsible for reviewing financial, human resources and risk management systems to ensure their integrity and for monitoring reports and making recommendations to the Board with respect to these matters. It is responsible for ensuring the development of appropriate standards, authorities and practices in these areas and for ensuring the audit of management compliance with these.



Jen Rowett (Chair)

Purpose: Upon the specific request of the Executive Committee or the Board of Directors, the Senate advises (in a consultative fashion) the CCPA Executive Committee, National President and/or the Board of Directors on the direction of the Association and other matters relating to the Association.

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