The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and its’ Chapters recognize the professional contributions of Canadians in the field of counselling/psychotherapy by offering a number of different awards. Our previous award winners are featured below.
CCPA Student Travel Grants
This award supports CCPA student members in their attendance of the CCPA annual conference.
This year’s recipients are: Christopher Cumby, Fred Chou, Gabrielle Heselton, and Natalie Doucette.
CCPA Conference Travel Grants
This award is given to support a CCPA member of their attendance at the CCPA annual conference.
This year’s recipients are: Elise Meertens, Lauren Wallis, Melissa Jay, Micheala Slipp, Vicki-Anne Rodrigue and Tracy Duffy.
CCPA/BMS Group Student Bursary
BMS, the CCPA professional liability insurance broker of choice, provides two $500 award to support graduate students research in counselling.
The student receiving the BMS Group student bursary this year is Megan Per, a CCPA Student member in the Masters in Counselling Psychology program at McGill University.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
This award is to recognize the work of CCPA master’s level students.
This year’s recipient for the master’s thesis award is Meghan Richey who is a graduate of the Saint Paul University. Her thesis was entitled ‘Women, Identity Development and Spirituality within the Anglican Church of Canada: A Phenomenological Study’.
CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Material Award
This award recognizes the development of counselling resources and training materials in Canada.
This year’s article is “Active Aging: Tapping Into Our Wisdom and Understanding from a Wellness Perspective”. The author of the resource is Joan Rostant.
Lorne Flavelle Award
The winner of this year’s Lorne Flavelle Award is Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw.
Many people who know Corrine will concur that she treats each person whom she encounters with care, dignity, and, most importantly, empathy and humour. She illustrates competence in counselling and effectiveness of both skills and service in assisting people who are living with Alzheimer’s or another dementia. Not only does Corrine provide counselling services to people who are struggling with mental health challenges in PEI, but she is also involved in promoting the counselling profession and mental health. Thank you, Corrine, for all your work.
CCPA’s Indigenous Practice Award
CCPA’s Indigenous Practice Award honours excellence in advancing culturally congruent counselling and psychotherapy services for Indigenous People in Canada. Catherine Richardson is the recipient for this award.
Catherine worked as a counsellor for Metis Community Services, She is the co-founder of the Centre for Response-Based Practice, an organization committed to helping people recover from violence. She provides counselling for residential school survivors and their family members through a Health Canada program. Catherine a child protection advocate for families and promotes better practice with Indigenous families. She teaches courses for counsellors and social workers involving specific practices with Indigenous people.
The Robert Langlois Award For Bilingualism
This year’s winner of The Robert Langlois Award For Bilingualism is Vicki-Anne Rodrigue.
As the former Francophone Ontario Director Vicki-Anne was dedicated in ensuring that the membership in Ontario had access to communications and materials in their first language.
CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award
This year’s winner of the CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award is Jennifer Hollinshead.
Jennifer Hollinshead has been a counsellor since 2006 in various positions including domestic violence crisis response, addictions counselling, concurrent disorders treatment, trauma treatment, and sexual violence counselling. She started Peak Resilience, visualizing a high-quality counselling experience for clients paired with the most supportive environment for counsellors. Peak Resilience has become a top intersectional feminist counselling organization in the heart of Vancouver. Jennifer pours her passion into her work as a leader and practitioner.
Vance Peavy Memorial Award
The winner of the Vance Peavy Memorial Award is Jeanette Hung.
Throughout her career, Jeanette has made a commitment to the field of counselling, as well as counselling research and practice from a constructivist-oriented and socially dynamic perspective. An advocate for counsellors, Jeanette has provided exceptional leadership through her work at Dalhousie University, the Nova Scotia College of Counselling Therapists and committees at the provincial and national levels. Jeanette’s influence has been felt locally, nationally, and internationally through her direct service and through the work of the counsellors she has taught and continues to mentor.
Professional Contribution Award
The recipient for this award is Nicole Imgrund.
Nicole has served with the CCPA, AB/NWT Chapter board since its inception. Her role was that of President-Elect, then President, then Past-President. She is currently the Chair of the Alberta Counselling Therapy Association, the entity that will become the College of Counselling Therapy in Alberta. Nicole will become the first Chair of the new College and rightly so!
For the past three years, Nicole Imgrund has been tirelessly working to ensure that in Alberta counselling is regulated. Her efforts culminated in the passage of Bill 30, The Mental Health Services Protection Act in December 2018. I am convinced that this would not have happened without Nicole’s energy, enthusiasm, ingenuity, grace and charm.
In addition, Nicole also owns and operates Rivers Edge Counselling Services in St. Albert, Alberta, and mentors, supervises, and teaches in the Masters of Psychotherapy and Spirituality program at St. Stephen’s College, an affiliate of the University of Alberta in Edmonton. As well she has a family which includes 4 boys under the age of 12.
Nicole has sacrificed many hours with her family and persevered through some very difficult times when I think most people would have thrown in the towel. Her resilience is incredible as is the work that she has done on behalf of the counsellors in Alberta.
CCPA Honorary Life Membership
The winner of this year’s CCPA Honorary Life Membership is our President Emerita, Natasha Caverley.
It is hard to know where to start to describe the enormous contributions that Natasha Caverley has made to CCPA. Throughout her tenure on the Board and the Executive Committee she has undertaken several large and complex projects. To note a few, Natasha chaired the CACEP Rejuvenation Initiative, the Research Paper response project, the Indigenous CEC project, the Risk Management Committee and the Governance Committee. All of these activities required meticulous documentation, superb project management skills and hours and hours of volunteer work. This is in addition to her role as the Regional Director for BC/YK, President Elect, President and Past President.
Natasha is wonderful to work with. Always prepared, always professional, always upbeat and positive, always determined to get the job done, she is a role model for all of us.
Natasha will be stepping down as Past President, as her Board duties were completed as of the AGM today. We don’t know what we will do without you Natasha. Remember that once a member of the CCPA family always a member of the CCPA family and as a friendly reminder, the bylaws say you only have to step down for a year and if you miss us you can come back.
We would like to present you with the CCPA Honorary Life Membership award and this gift as a small token of our appreciation.
CCPA Student Travel Grants
This award supports CCPA student members in their attendance of the CCPA annual conference.
This year’s recipients are: Deanna MacDonald, Rebecca Ward and Shelley Skelton.
CCPA Conference Travel Grants
This award is given to support a CCPA member of their attendance at the CCPA annual conference.
This year’s recipients are: Elise Meertens, Belinda Josephson, April Jendrosch, Connie Covey, Kerrie Palmer and Meg Kapil.
CCPA/BMS Group Student Bursary
BMS, the CCPA professional liability insurance broker of choice, provides two $500 award to support graduate students research in counselling.
The student receiving the BMS Group student bursary this year is Casey Oliver, a CCPA Student member in the Master of Arts Counselling Psychology program at Western University.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
This award is to recognize the work of CCPA master’s level students.
This year’s recipient for the master’s thesis award is Heather Gower who is a graduate of the University of Newfoundland. Her thesis was entitled ‘The Consideration of Personal Qualities in Admissions for Canadian Master’s Counselling and Counselling Psychology Programs’.
CCPA Research or Professional Article Award
The CCPA Research or Professional Article Award recognizes CCPA’s members’ research and publications. This year’s article is called “A Content Analysis of Gendered Research in the Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy”. The authors of the article are: Robinder Bedi, Courtney Young, Jaleh Davari, Karen Springer and Daniel Kane.
CCPA Lorne Flavelle Award
This special award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCPA.
The winner of this year’s Lorne Flavelle Award is Wendy Woloshyn. For a decade, she has volunteered her knowledge, skills and abilities to CCPA. Wendy was a former Canadian Counselling Association (CCA) student member while she completed her graduate counselling degree, served on the BC Chapter Executive for several years which included holding the position of BC Chapter President), and represented CCPA on the Federation of Associations for Counselling Therapists in BC’s (FACT-BC) Board of Directors. Wendy’s leadership abilities and commitment to CCPA were evident as the BC Chapter expanded to over 500 members and became the second largest CCPA Chapter. She created a strong community of counselling professionals in BC.
CCPA Humanitarian Award
This Award recognizes the spirit of good will and humanitarianism in CCPA members in a local, national or international capacity.
This year’s recipient is Cathy Underhill. During the ravaging fires in Fort McMurray, Cathy offered time, personnel and resources to those in need. She offered immediate support for those affected by the fires and displacement. Cathy and her colleagues did this despite being displaced themselves. When the fire was finally extinguished and it was safe to return, Cathy opened her office right away and she continued to support those most directly affected, despite her own losses.
Private Practitioner Award for Excellence
Kiraz Johannsen receives the CCPA Private Practitioner’s Award for 2018. Lorne Flavelle accepted this award on her behalf.
A certified counsellor of the CCPA and a member, director and past president of the QCA and has a private practice in Westmount, Quebec.
Following her 2 year mandate as QCA President, Ms Johannsen served 2 terms as Quebec Anglophone Director for CCPA.
Some of her accomplishments:
- Promoted the profession of counsellors and psychotherapists and raised awareness on Parliament Hill for the recognition this professional designation. Wrote letters campaigning for 3rd party billing rights for psychotherapists.
- Negotiated with the ORDER of PSYCHOLOGISTS of QUEBEC to recognize the CCPA/ACA conference in 2016 for 33 Professional Development credits for Quebec Psychologists and Psychotherapists.
- Supported colleagues to navigate and attain psychotherapy licensure.
- Actively raised awareness for Annual Montreal Mental Health Walk.
- Executive member of the CCPA Social Justice Chapter where she organized/participated in Silent Auctions at CCPA conferences and is a board member of the CCPA PP Chapter.
Ms. Johannsen presently works as a psychotherapist at Vanier College, an Anglophone CEGEP in Ville St-Laurent. There she provides psychotherapy services for a wide range of mental health and transitional issues for a large multicultural student population. She also facilitates a Mentorship Program for immigrant students to promote inclusiveness and student success for newcomers to Montreal.
Additionally, she has become a member of the Academic Council at Vanier College and the International Education Standing Committee. She still finds time to see clients at her Westmount practice and continues to actively promote the profession of Counsellors and Psychotherapists.
CCPA Indigenous Practice Award
The CCPA Indigenous Practice Award honours excellence in advancing culturally congruent counselling and psychotherapy services for Indigenous People in Canada.
This year’s winner of the CCPA Indigenous Practice Award is Razieh Namdari. Razieh introduced a successful art therapy program in two Cree communities to provide mental health services to children, youth and their families. He also started offering workshops for school staff and community workers to help them identify emotional and behavioural issues in children and refer them for early interventions.
CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
The winner of the CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award is Jacqui Synard for her dissertation entitled “The Experience of Well-being Following Job Loss: A Case Study”.
CCPA Counselling Book Award
The Counselling Book Award recognizes book publications that contribute to the advancement of the profession.
The winner of this year’s Counselling Book Award is Anthony Santen for his book The Path Within. A guide to finding and cultivating an internal, spiritual sense of self, with an eye toward improving relationships, communities, and eventually the world.
Professional Contribution Award
The CCPA Professional Contribution Award may be awarded to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling and psychotherapy in Canada.
The recipient of this year’s Professional Contribution Award is Natasha Caverley. In addition to her role as a Regional Director, President Elect, President and now Past President she has led the CACEP Rejuvenation Project and the Research Task Group Committee. Her attention to detail and meticulous notes have moved these projects forward in a manner that no one else could. Natasha led, along with Bill Thomas, the Indigenous CEC program development. This required extensive research, documentation, detailed action plans and numerous teleconferences to ensure that all aspects of the new program were reviewed appropriately. It is safe to say that these very important projects would not have progressed without her leadership, intellect, respectful and collaborative approach to facilitation and excellent organisational skills.
CCPA Honorary Life Membership Award
This special award is given to members who have made a considerable contribution to the aims and objectives of CCPA.
Lorne Flavelle is the only CCPA Past President whose contributions were previously noted with his own award. Lorne filled many roles during his work with CCPA. He was the Quebec Anglophone Director for 4 years, President Elect, President and Past President from 2001-2007, secretary to the Board and Certification Registrar for 2 years, co founder of the Private Practitioners Chapter where he has served as the Chapter’s President and Treasurer. Lorne is a strong Ambassador for CCPA and he has encouraged many others to become actively involved with the Association. He has regularly gone beyond the call of duty. And those of you who have regularly attended the CCPA conference know that “Chez Lorne” is always open.
Dr Ron Lehr has served CCPA in a number of capacities over many years: President-Elect, President and Past-President from 2007-2013, provincial Director for Nova Scotia, he is a strong and active advocate for the regulation of Registered Counselling Therapists in Nova Scotia, president of the Counsellor Educators Chapter, chair of the Ethics Committee, co author of 2 CCPA publications on ethics issues and cases and contributing editor to CCPA’s Standards of Practice, site visitor f or CACEP and c o-chair of the 2009 National Symposium on Inter-Provincial and Territorial Mobility within the Counselling Profession. It was under Ron’s leadership that CCPA introduced the National Indigenous Director position to the Board thereby ensuring Indigenous issues are addressed in national policy and program decisions. He also helped to launch the Social Justice Chapter.
Dr. Blythe Shepard is receiving this Honorary Membership award for her outstanding contributions to CCPA over the last 12 years. Blythe was the Regional Director for British Columbia. She then moved to Alberta where she served as the Regional Director for Alberta for 4 years. During the time that she was a Director she also served as the CCPA Treasurer. If that was not enough she then served as President Elect, President and Past President from 2011-2017. Her accomplishments and contributions are many. In no particular order, Blythe served on the BC Task Group and FACT BC from 2005 until now. It is this group that developed the competency profile that is in use in several provinces. Blythe continues to serve this group by being a member of the Registration Committee of FACT BC. She served as the Chair of the CCC Certification Committee for several years, co-developed the CCC-S program and the corresponding master’s level course and continues to sit on the advisory committee for this program. She teaches the Master’s level supervision course on behalf of CCPA, chaired the Governance Committee, edited two textbooks for CCPA, the Ethics Casebook and the Supervision Textobook and co-wrote the Supervision Handbook. Blythe has co-chaired a project which has developed a set of supervision competencies. She has been the co-chair of the 2009 and 2011 National Symposium on Inter-Provinicial and Territorial Mobility whithin the Counselling Profession. Blythe was a member of the Competency Profile Committee for FACT-Alberta, gounded the AB/NWT Chapter, initiated the Northern Network Project, and the list goes on..
CCPA Student Travel Grant
This award supports CCPA members in their attendance of the CCPA annual conference.
This year’s recipients are: Jessica Isenor, Elise Meertens, Lakshmi Sundaram and Rebecca Ward.
CCPA Lorne Flavelle Award
This special award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCPA.
Glenn Sheppard has worked passionately and tirelessly for CCPA on many fronts. He was Chair of the CCPA’s Ethics Committee, and continues to write comprehensive and relevant articles for Cognica on current ethical issues. Glenn was one of the original authors of CCPA’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and he chaired the first CCPA Ethics Adjudication Tribunal. Glenn served as the Newfoundland and Labrador Regional Director for 8 years and then volunteered another 6 years as President Elect, President and Past President of CCPA. If that was not enough when Glenn stepped down from the Board he stepped into the position of President of the Counsellor Educators Chapter. Glenn was also Chair of the Conference Committee when CCPA held its conference in St. John’s in 2005 and was co-Program Chair of the 1979 CCPA conference in St John’s. Other volunteer roles include belonging to the Editorial Board for the Canadian Journal of Counselling, co-Chairing the CCPA National Labour Mobility Group and its 3 national symposia and most recently, serving as a
member of the provincial committee seeking regulation for counsellors in Newfoundland and Labrador. In addition, Glenn’s expertise and dedication have resulted in the Ethics Committee relying on Glenn as their Ethics Amicus. Glenn is always ready to volunteer for CCPA projects as well as support and mentor newcomers. He has presented multiple webinars and continues to contribute to CCPA, offering his expertise and wisdom with passion and dedication. We recognize his outstanding volunteer service.
CCPA Humanitarian Award
The first recipient of CCPA’s new Humanitarian A ward is Mego Nerses. This Award recognizes the spirit of good will and humanitarianism in CCPA members in a local, national or international capacity. Mego runs a private practice providing counselling and therapy to refugees and asylum seekers in the LGBTQ community that are new to Canada in multiple languages, offering them support, a safe space and breaking isolation. He has presented very well-received CCPA webinars on the topic and hopes to continue to advocate for the rights and mental health wellbeing of these individuals.
CCPA Unsung Hero Award
This award will recognize special individuals within CCPA membership, who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. These individuals have taken part in an inspirational activity for those in need or for someone unable to do things for themselves.
Nicole Imgrund has served with the CCPA, AB/NWT Chapter board since its inception. Her role was that of President-Elect, then President, then Past-President, and now Regulation Director. Nicole has been instrumental in advocating for the regulation of Counselling in Alberta. She has recently been elected as Chair of FACT-Alberta the group which is advancing the cause of regulation in that province. This position requires her to meet with members from a number of associations and professional organizations and the Alberta government to make the regulation of the Counselling profession in Alberta a reality. She has done this, and so much more with grace, integrity, class, and intelligence all in the name of CCPA, for the protection of the public and the right of everyone to receive competent, ethical, and professional counselling services from qualified and competent practitioners. Recently, Nicole was not only instrumental in assisting the Albert/NWT Chapter in hosting the third bi-annual CCPA Research conference, she facilitated partnering the conference with an evening with Clara Hughes for our conference goers and many, many members of the St. Albert community. For nearly six months she laboured, rallied, and promoted this event to schools, businesses, organizations and the community, personally backing the event to ensure it could proceed no matter what. Nicole also owns and operates Rivers Edge Counselling Services in St. Albert, Alberta, and mentors, supervises, and teaches in the Masters of Psychotherapy and Spirituality program at St. Stephen’s College, an affiliate of the University of Alberta in Edmonton. As such, many a student and practitioner owe their solid grounding in ethical practice, in part, to Nicole. Nicole’s impact on our profession and association extend far beyond her she is the pebble, who when tossed into the pond creates a chain reaction that extends and grows far beyond and for much longer than the original impact. What makes her even more endearing is that she does all of this in the service of others, not for glory, not for fame or fortunes, but because she believes it is the right thing to do. Without a doubt, she epitomizes the very essence of an “unsung hero”!
CCPA Conference Travel Grant
This award is given to support a CCPA member of their attendance at the CCPA annual conference.
This year’s recipients are: Anya Brooker, June Harper, Sherry Law, Judi Siklos, Dawn Schell and Sandra Dixon.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
This award is to recognize the work of CCPA master’s level students.
This year’s recipient for the master’s thesis award is Melanie Baruch who is a graduate of the University of Manitoba. Her thesis was entitled ‘The Business of Therapy: Examining the Process of Working in Private Practice’.
CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award
This award is to recognize exceptional CCPA counsellor practitioners.
Belinda Josephson is currently working as a school counsellor at Bridgewater Elementary School in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Belinda has been involved with CCPA in many ways. She was an Executive Committee member of the School Counsellor’s Chapter since 2009 and is current serving as President of the Nova Scotia Chapter. She has been actively involved with promoting Canadian School Counselling Week as well as creating professional development opportunities for counsellors in her area. Belinda is very involved in ongoing professional development and program development. She has sought out specialized training as part of her own professional development which included: Race Relations and Cross Cultural Understanding Training; and learning to be an International Facilitator for the League of Peaceful Schools. Belinda’s nominator has indicated that “she represents the optimal model of a caring person and professional whose knowledge, skills, and talents are valued by students and colleagues. She is a hard working practitioner with a professional demeanor who is dedicated to the counselling profession.” This award indeed recognizes Belinda as an exceptional CCPA counsellor practitioner.
CCPA/BMS Bursary
BMS, the CCPA professional liability insurance broker of choice, provides two $500 awards to support graduate students research in counselling.
The student receiving the BMS Group student bursary this year is Sakthi Kalaichandran, a CCPA Student Representative in the Master of Arts Counselling Psychology program at the University of Western Ontario.
CCPA Conference Travel Award
This award supports a CCPA member in their attendance of the CCPA annual conference. This year’s winners are Diane Pisch, Jamie Warren, Jane Munn, Janis Campbell, Robinder Bedi, and Sherry Law.
CCPA Conference Student Travel Award
This award supports a CCPA student member in their attendance of the CCPA annual conference. This year’s recipients are Barbara Pickering, Lisa Cavey, Veronica Hounsell, and Zarina Giannone.
CCPA-Marsh Student Bursary Award
Marsh, the CCPA professional liability insurance broker of choice, provides two $500 awards to support graduate students research in counselling. The recipients of this award are Tiffany Beks and Jordi Sutton.
Tiffany Beks is completing her masters of science in counselling psychology at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. Previously, Tiffany conducted research in the area of counselling outcomes, eating disorders, divorce and separation, depression, and family violence at Calgary Counselling Centre. Since beginning her graduate studies, Tiffany has shifted her research focus to military family mental health and well-being. Currently, Tiffany is investigating the experiences and challenges of military families affected by combat-related trauma, with a specific focus on understanding the challenges faced by caregiving spouses in accessing mental health services and supports.
Jordi Sutton is in the process of completing her MA in marriage and family counselling at Briercrest Seminary in Saskatchewan. Following graduation, she plans to work in private practice – she is especially interested in the treatment of chronic disordered eating. Her preferred therapeutic models include narrative therapy and emotion focused therapy, but she likes to incorporate mindfulness techniques, motivational interviewing, and feminist theory into her practice. Jordi also has an MA in creative writing from the University of Exeter in England – she is finding that her love of literature and art coalesce perfectly with her interest in the human condition and the power of relationship. Jordi is married, with a two-year-old son who is constantly reminding her of what it means to live exuberantly.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
To recognize the work of CCPA master’s level students. This year’s recipient is Meaghan Fullerton. Meaghan Fullerton graduated from Acadia University with her master’s in counselling. She has since worked as a counselling therapist in two Mi’kmaw communities. She currently resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia in Mi’kma’ki.
CCPA Research or Professional Article Award
The CCPA Research or Professional Article Award recognizes research or publications of CCPA members.
Candace Brown received her master’s degree in counselling psychology from the Graduate Centre for Applied Psychology at Athabasca University, Athabasca, Alberta, Canada, under the supervision of Dr. Sandra Collins. Candace’s thesis entitled, A Critical Look at Multicultural and Social Justice Counsellor Education with Best Practice Approaches, generated numerous journal publications, as well as representation at national and international conferences.
Her writing and research are also informed by her teaching certificate from Simon Fraser University. Candace is currently working as a provisional psychologist in a clinical practice setting. Her professional areas of interest include multicultural and social justice counselling, client advocacy, and play therapy. Candace integrates traditional healing in psychological treatment by consulting and collaborating with traditional healers, and helping her clients connect with these healers when appropriate. Candace also works with colleagues to find ways to promote equal access to mental health services for clients. A portion of her practice includes pro bono services for victims of domestic violence and youth in the criminal justice system.
She is also a certified restorative justice facilitator.
CCPA Counsellor Leadership Award
This award honours excellence in provincial or national leadership by a CCPA member that encourages advancement of the profession. This year’s recipient is Beth Robinson.
Beth Robinson is an associate professor in Acadia University’s MEd in Counselling program in Wolfville, NS. She joined CCPA in 1998 while working as a school counsellor, became a member of the CCPA Ethics Committee in 2007, and was the Nova Scotia director for CCPA from 2011-2015. Beth very much enjoys the opportunity to connect and collaborate with other CCPA members on committee work, webinars, workshops, conference presentations, research, and writing. In particular, she has valued her involvement in CCPA initiatives in the areas of counselling ethics and clinical supervision.
CCPA Indigenous Practice Award
The CCPA Indigenous Practice Award honours excellence in advancing culturally congruent counselling and psychotherapy services for Indigenous People in Canada.
This year’s recipients are Bill Thomas and Andrea Currie.
Andrea Currie grew up in Winnipeg, Manitoba and is a member of the Métis Nation. She is the mother of one daughter, Rowan, and drums with We’koqma’qewiskwa, a women’s hand-drumming group from We’koqma’q First Nation in Unama’ki (Cape Breton, Nova Scotia), where she has worked as the community-based therapist for the past eleven years. In addition to her clinical work, she offers a range of wellness programs, and works closely with the We’koqma’q residential school survivors. She believes that understanding the impact of colonial trauma on indigenous communities as well as the community strengths that have enabled us to survive is essential to the provision of culturally safe services. She provides cultural safety training for mental health practitioners in indigenous communities and in mainstream mental health, and has taught a course on indigenous mental health in the MEd in Counselling program at Acadia University. She is challenged by the depth and breadth of the need for healing in our indigenous communities and inspired by the depth and breadth of our communities’ resilience and strengths.
(William) Bill Thomas is a Peguis First Nation member who was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He began his healing process over twenty-five years ago. He is the president and owner of Thomas Training and Therapy Services and specializes in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and Aboriginal trauma related issues. He is an experienced international trainer, facilitator, psychotherapist/counsellor, and traditional group therapist. He has worked closely with Elders and Healers for many years and also has extensive therapeutic experience with long-term flood evacuees, suicide, grief, post-trauma, sexually and physically abused clients. He provides community consultation to many Manitoba First Nation communities and organizations. He guest lectures internationally about Aboriginal trauma issues; the Indian residential school syndrome and culturally appropriate therapies in China, Australia, Brazil and Egypt.
CCPA Honorary Membership Award
This special award is given out to members who have made a considerable contribution to the aims and objectives of CCPA.
Dr. Sharon E. Robertson is a professor of counselling psychology at the University of Calgary where she has served as a department head and as director/coordinator of the Counselling Psychology program. She is a registered psychologist in Alberta. Her areas of research include psychosocial transitions, stress, coping, and social support; loss, grief, and bereavement; counselling women; counsellor education and supervision; and program development and evaluation. Dr. Robertson has served on the CCPA Board of Directors as the Alberta director, president-elect, president, and past president. She has also served CCPA in other ways including as co-chair of the CCPA 2012 conference and as a member of the awards committee, the certification committee, and the executive committee of the Counsellor Educators’ chapter. She is co-author of the CCPA Accreditation Standards for Counsellor Education Programs in Canada and was involved in the development of the Council for Accreditation of Counsellor Education Programs (CACEP), of which she is the co-chair. Dr. Robertson has also served as vice-president and treasurer of the International Association for Counselling.
CCPA’s Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service
The Lorne Flavelle award is given to a long-serving member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCPA.
José F. Domene, PhD (University of British Columbia), LPsych (New Brunswick), is the Canada Research Chair in School to Work Transition at the University of New Brunswick (UNB) in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. He is also a professor in the Faculty of Education at UNB, where he teaches in the counsellor education program. Dr. Domene maintains an active program of research exploring (a) relational contexts of career development, (b) emerging adults’ transition into the workforce, and (c) professional issues in counselling and counselling psychology in Canada. He has published over 50 journal articles and book chapters on these topics. Dr. Domene also serves as a licensed psychologist at UNB Counselling Services, on a part-time basis. There, he provides counselling to university students presenting with a wide range of complex academic, career, and mental health problems. He also co-ordinates the Pre-Doctoral Internship in Counselling Psychology at UNB Counselling Services.
CCPA Career Counsellors Chapter Award – Dr. R. Vance Peavy
This award supports a CCPA member of their attendance at the CCPA annual conference or the CANNEXUS Conference. Lindsey Thomson is this year’s recipient.
Lindsey Thomson is a second year student in the Masters of Education program in Educational Counselling at the University of Ottawa, with a focus on theoretical knowledge and practical skills in both personal counselling and career development. Lindsey is the CCPA Francophone student representative for the University of Ottawa. She works for the Graduate Student Association of the University of Ottawa as the external commissioner and is responsible for student advocacy, including international students, on campus.
CCPA Private Practitioners Chapter Award – Private Practitioner Award for Excellence
To recognize a member for his/her commitment to excellence and high professional integrity in his/her work and, in so doing, promoting the vital role that private practitioners play.
Anne Dobson’s area of private practice encompasses children, couples and families. She is presently the clinical director for HomeWood Health. She has supported clinicians across Atlantic Canada and in her journey with Acadia University she has assisted graduate students in their practicum placements. Anne is a member of the board of directors for the NS College of Counselling Therapists (NSCCT). More importantly, Anne is a single parent of 3 wonderful sons. She is a woman of wisdom, warmth, and humility. She truly makes a difference!
CCPA School Counsellors Chapter Award – School Counselling Award
The school counselling award recognizes the work of exceptional School Counsellors and acknowledges their personal and professional commitment to the profession. This year’s recipient is Dr. David Paterson.
Dr. David Paterson currently serves as associate dean and director of the Centre for English Language Learning, Teaching, and Research (CELLTR) at Simon Fraser University. He has been a school teacher, counsellor, and counsellor educator. His leadership activities in counselling include service as president and honorary life member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), interim president of the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC), and vice president of the International Association of Counsellors (IAC). Currently he is instructing in the SFU Counselling Psychology program. As associate dean, Dr. Paterson is actively involved with strategic enrollment management, faculty governance and program development. He has been a continuing presence on the Faculty of Education Executive Committee as well as University Senate. In the summer of 2014 he was given the opportunity to implement ambitious plans to develop the Centre for English Language Learning, Teaching and Research.
CCPA Honorary Lifetime Membership
Three CCPA members were honoured for their contributions to the Association by receiving a CCPA Honorary Lifetime Membership. CCPA acknowledges the contribution of these three individuals, Dr. Lynda Younghusband, Dr. Lorna Martin and Bernard Tétreau.
CCPA Student Travel Award
Seven CCPA student members were presented with the CCPA student travel award in order to attend the conference. This year’s recipients were Deanna Murphy, Jason Jones, Kayla Balsden, Diana Teixeira, Melissa Jay, Ricardo Avelar and Sandra Dixon.
CCPA Conference Travel Grant
Twelve CCPA Conference Travel Grants were presented to the following members who also wished to attend the conference: Andrea Carlson, Andrea Garland, Ariel Haubrich, Belinda Josephson, Eric Ross, Jeff Landine, Jody Studney, Lloyd Robertson, Ava Clark, Dan Mitchell, Nicole Crouch, and Sadie Goddard-Durant.
The Marsh Student Bursary
The Marsh Student Bursary is awarded in support of Graduate Student research to student members demonstrating academic excellence. This year, it was awarded to Nina Sangra, a Masters student at Athabasca University in Applied Psychology and Cynthia Chaddock, a Masters student at the University of New Brunswick in Educational Counselling.
Dr Lynda Younghusband Counselling Award
Dr. Lynda Younghusband established an award through the Memorial University of Newfoundland which is designed to improve access for student to CCPA’s Annual Conference. This year’s award winners were Jeff Pardy and Jenelle Lake.
Master’s Thesis Award
. The recipient of this year’s Master’s thesis Award was Courtney Andrysiak for her thesis ‘The Changing World of Bullying: Students’ Opinions about how to Intervene with Cyberbullying.
CCPA School Counsellors Chapter Award – School Counselling Award
This Chapter Award recognizes the work of exceptional School Counsellors and acknowledges their personal and professional commitment to the profession. The recipient of this award has demonstrated a commitment to life-long learning and evolution of professional practice; exceptional leadership service within their school, community, province, and/or on a national level; strengths in counselling/psychotherapy competency, ethical decision-making, and intervention skills; and advocacy for school counselling within the school and community. The inaugural School Counselling Award was presented to Dr. Janice Graham-Migel during the 2015 Banquet and Awards Ceremony.
CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
This year’s recipient of the CCPA doctoral dissertation award was Rebecca Hudson-Breen for her thesis “Keeping Going: How Self-employed Women with Children Manage Multiple Life Roles”.
CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award
The CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award recognizes the development of counselling resources and training materials in Canada. This year’s recipient was Louis Cournoyer for his web site “Orientation pour tous”.
Lorne Flavelle Award
The winner of this year’s Lorne Flavelle Award, for a long-serving member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCPA, was Vivian Lalande. Vivian is a well-known CCPA member who was a Professor at the University of Calgary, sat on the CCPA Board of Directors (Alberta/NWT rep), served as CCPA Treasurer, Chaired the Advertising Committee and served as Journal Editor for a number of years. Recently Vivian also became the temporary Editor for CJCP. This award represents a long history of volunteerism to the Association.
The CCPA Professional Contribution Award
The last prize awarded during our awards ceremony was the CCPA Professional Contribution Award for a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling and psychotherapy in Canada. This year’s recipient was Dr. Beth Robinson. Dr Robinson is a professor at Acadia University, was a CCPA Board member from 2011-2015, is a member of the CCPA Ethics Committee and has provided numerous workshops and webinars on the topic of supervision. She recently co-authored three chapters for CCPA’s Ethics casebook and is a contributing co-editor for the upcoming counselling supervision textbook. She has conducted multiple on-air interviews related to counselling and psychotherapy, has met as part of a CCPA delegation with government officials in Nova Scotia to advocate for access to qualified counsellors in schools across the province, and recently was interviewed as part of a Canadian Reader’s Digest article focusing on depression. Dr. Robinson’s volunteer work, research, publications, and instructional practices are all evidence that she is a leader in the counselling profession and someone who works with disciplined and rigorous intensity.
CCPA Student Conference Travel Grant
CCPA provides four (4) $500 awards to students in support of their attendance at the CCPA annual conference. This year’s recipients are Cassandra Weir, a Masters student in Counselling Psychology at the University of Lethbridge; Jon Woodend, a Masters student in Counselling Psychology at the University of Calgary; Matthew Vandermeer, a Masters student in Counselling Psychology at the University of Western Ontario;
and Nina Sangra, a Masters student in Counselling at Athabasca University.
CCPA/Marsh Student Bursary Award
Marsh, the CCPA professional liability insurance broker of choice, provides two $500 awards to support graduate students research in Counselling. The students receiving this award this year are: Gina Ko, a Masters student in Counselling at Athabasca University, and Sariné Willis-O’Connor, a Masters student in Counselling at the University of New Brunswick.
CCPA Travel Award
CCPA also provides Conference Travel Grants annually in support of our members who wish to attend the Conference. This year, the recipients are Robert Allan, Janice Graham-Migel, Ashley Phillips and Candace Reinsch.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
This year’s recipient is Guylaine Laroche for her thesis: “Les rôles que jouent les préjugés dans le processus de réinsertion et de maintien en emploi de personnes qui ont vécu un arrêt de travail en raison d’un problème de santé mentale”.
CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
The winner of the CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award is Lorna Martin for her dissertation entitled “Canadian Professional Standard for Counselling and Psychotherapy: Entry-to-Practice Competency Assessment: A Mixed Methods Exploration of the National Development Process”.
CCPA Professional Contribution Award
This award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to counselling and psychotherapy in Canada. The recipient this year is Lorna Martin. In addition to her role on CCPA’s executive, Lorna’s work on pan-canadian regulation continues to inform and help provincial defense groups in their works towards regulation of the profession on counseling and psychotherapy. Her work on the Entry-to-practice competency assessment is crucial for the profession and positions Lorna as instigator of a national assessment norm in the area of counseling and psychotherapy.
Counselling Book Award
The Counselling Book Award recognizes book publications that contribute to the advancement of the profession. The winner of this year’s Counselling Book Award is David Paré for his book The Practice of Collaborative Counseling & Psychotherapy: Developing Skills in Culturally Mindful Helping.
The Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service
The Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service is awarded to a long-serving member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCPA. The winner of this year’s Lorne Flavelle Award is June Harper. June was an integral part of the 2010 conference planning committee, the right-hand of the conference coordinator during the 2012 conference, and a small miracle for the 2013 conference planning committee after an emergency medical situation. June works behind the scenes, never seeking recognition or asking for something in return. She is a dedicated and caring individual who magically appears whenever there is a need, with a smile on her face and her sleeves rolled up.
CCPA Counsellor Leadership Award
Dr. Janice Graham-Migel is this year’s recipient of the CCPA Counsellor Leadership Award. Janice is Past-President of the School Counsellors Chapter, Chair of the National School Counselling Committee, and sits on the Executive of the Nova Scotia School Counsellors Association. She has served on task forces related to record keeping guidelines for school counsellors and standards for youth health centers. Janice is currently chairing a leadership committee for school counsellors with the Halifax Regional School Board. Janice has made major contributions to the school counselling profession and is highly regarded in her profession.
CCPA Indigenous Practice Award
This award honours excellence in advancing culturally congruent counselling and psychotherapy services for Indigenous People in Canada. This year’s recipient is Mark Kelly.
CCPA Honorary Lifetime Membership
This special award is given to members who have made a considerable contribution to the aims and objectives of CCPA. This year’s recipient is Maria De Cicco.
CCPA Practice-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Award
This award highlights cutting edge research that incorporates an element of practice in the methodology or research output. This year’s recipient is Robert Allan for his research involving the enhancement of relationships between gay men.
CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award
The CCPA Counsellor Practitioner Award is awarded to recognize exceptional CCPA counsellor practitioners.This year’s recipient of the Counsellor Practitioner Award is Andrea Garland. Working as a consultant for the Western School Board of PEI, Andrea was instrumental in the development of a peer collaboration model for counsellors. She also undertook a major initiative to provide training to all of the School Board’s counsellors on the facilitation and development of the functional behavior plans. Andrea has tremendous passion for the counselling profession and incredible creative energy
CCPA Student Travel Award
Each year, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association provides four $500 awards in support of student members who wish to attend the CCPA annual conference. This year’s recipients are Barbara Smith, a PhD student in Counselling Psychology department at the University of British Columbia, Gemma Armstrong, a masters student in the Counselling Psychology program at the University of Victoria, Gail Bailey, a masters student in the Counselling Psychology program at the University of Lethbridge, and Jessica Isenor, a PhD student in the Education Counselling program at the University of Ottawa.
CCPA/Marsh Student Bursary
In support of Graduate Student research, Marsh, the CCPA Professional Liability Insurance Broker of Choice, has provided two $500 awards to student members demonstrating academic excellence. This year’s recipients for the Marsh Student Award are Kate Gignac, a PhD student at the University of Ottawa, and Andy Dimitri Veilleux, a student in sciences de l’orientation at l’Université de Laval.
CCPA Conference Travel Grant
Each year, CCPA provides six (6) $500 awards in support of members who wish to attend the CCPA Annual conference. This year’s recipients are Gina Ko, Eunice Lavell, Cassandra Cairo, SHelley Skelton, Verlie Wile and Tara Wood.
Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism
The Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism is given to a member who has made the most significant contribution to the promotion of bilingualism in or through counselling. This year’s recipient was Serge Hall. He has a wonderful character and is at ease with working in the two official languages in Canada. He is an exemplary and well deserved winner of the Robert Langlois Bilingualism Award. His main goal has always been to promote counselling and the statutory regulation of the profession in New Brunswick, to develop and exchange counselling resources, and to gather the counselling community in the two languages! He accomplishes these feats with grace, humour, and panache.
CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award
The CCPA Counselling Resources and Training materials Award is awarded to a CCPa member to recognize their work in the development of counselling resources and training materials in Canada. This year’s recipient is Liette Goyer for Mon GPS de carrière.
Counsellor Educators Chapter Doctoral Student Dissemination Award
The Counsellor Educators Chapter wishes to encourage a CCPA member who is pursuing doctoral studies to consider a career as a counsellor educator. The Counsellor Educators Chapter Award is designed to support a student in attending the pre-conference one-day workshop of the Counsellor Educators Chapter held annually at the CCPA national conference.This year’s recipient was Kate Gignac.
Career Counsellors Chapter : Dr. R. Vance Peavy Travel Awar
Every year the Career Counselling Chapter offers a bursary of $300 toward attending the CCPA conference to a graduate student in counselling, career counselling, or career development who has research interests in career development. This year’s recipient was Deidre Pickerell.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
This year’s recipient is Tanya Mudry for her thesis entitled: Addiction Sits in the Background Doing Push-Ups Waiting for us to have a Weak Moment: Doing Recovery from Gambling Problems Online.
CCPA Research Article Award
This year’s recipient is Nicola Gazzola for his research article entitled Professional Characteristics of Canadian Counsellors: Results of a National Survey.
CCPA Student Travel Award
Each year, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association provides two $500 awards in support of student members who wish to attend the CCPA annual conference. This year’s recipients are Nicholas Cardone, a Master of Education student in Counselling at Acadia University and Leslie Pope, a masters student in Counselling Psychology at Memorial University.
CCPA/Marsh Student Award
In support of Graduate Student research, Marsh, the CCPA Professional Liability Insurance Broker of Choice, has provided two $500 awards to student members demonstrating academic excellence. This year’s recipients for the Marsh Student Award are Barbara Smith and Katherine MacIsaac.
Professional Contribution Award
CCPA’S Professional Contribution Award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling in Canada. This year’s recipient is Jan Stewart.
Jan Stewart is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at The University of Winnipeg and Director of The Institute for Children Affected by War at The Global College. Jan is singlehandedly responsible for the inception of a counsellor education program at the University of Winnipeg, and an annual experiential learning event for those working with children affected by war, in which she transforms the grounds of the university into a refugee camp to give practitioners a sense of the lived experience of the people with whom they work. Her research focus is on the psychosocial and educational needs of children who have been affected by war. She is the lead investigator of a SSHRC grant studying educational strategies to support children in post-conflict situations in northern Uganda. Jan addresses national and international audiences on the needs and educational challenges of children who have been affected by conflict, violence, abuse, mental health issues, neglect, and human rights violations.
Dr Lynda Younghusband Counselling Award
The Dr. Lynda Younghusband Counselling Award has been established by Dr. Younghusband to promote the counselling profession and to improve access for students to the annual Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) conference. This years’ recipient is Leslie Pope.
Career Counsellors Chapter : Dr. R. Vance Peavy Travel Award
Every year the Career Counselling Chapter offers a bursary of $300 toward attending the CCPA conference to a graduate student in counselling, career counselling, or career development who has research interests in career development. This year’s recipients were Jacqueline Synard, Barbara Smith and Rebecca Hudson Breen.
Counsellor Educators Chapter Doctoral Student Dissemination Award
The Counsellor Educators Chapter wishes to encourage a CCPA member who is pursuing doctoral studies to consider a career as a counsellor educator. The Counsellor Educators Chapter Award is designed to support a student in attending the pre-conference one-day workshop of the Counsellor Educators Chapter held annually at the CCPA national conference.This year’s recipient was Jacqui Synard.
Counselling Practitioner Award
This year’s recipient of the Counsellor Practitioner Award is John Sumarah. John has contributed to the lives of many with whom he has worked. John is a person of immense integrity and generosity. He offers a depth of ability and commitment to those with whom he is witness to their journey through mental health. He is a practitioner who has offered his services without remuneration, asking that clients instead donate to a charity of their choice.
The Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism
The Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism is given to a member who has made the most significant contribution to the promotion of bilingualism in or through counselling. This year’s recipient was Sandra Salesas. Sandra is an exemplary and well deserved winner of the award. Her main objective has always been to promote counselling and career development, to develop and share resources in counselling and to reunite the counselling community in both languages !
Professional Contribution Award
CCPA’s Professional Contribution Award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling in Canada. The recipient for 2011 is Blythe Shepard. Her work with CCPA has involved contributing to multiple committees including the Certification Committee, the Governance Committee and the Risk Management Committee. She also served on the Board of Directors as Director of British Columbia, then as Director of Alberta. She was also the treasurer of CCPA for the past two years. Blythe was also a member of the BC Task Group responsible for the creation of a profile of entry-to-practice competencies for mental health therapists. Additionally, she has performed the duty of co-chair for the National Symposium on Counsellor Mobility for the past three years.
The CCPA Practice-Based Counselling and Psychotherapy Research Award
This award highlights cutting edge research that incorporates an element of practice in the methodology or research output. This year’s recipient is Margaret Cain for her research involving how to establish a network for school counsellors in Canada in order to improve their practice in schools.
Lorne Flavelle Award
The Lorne Flavelle Award is given for outstanding service to CCPA. True to Lorne, this award has been designed to recognize a CCPA member for his/her special contribution to the counselling community, their cheerful attitude, and their unflagging support of those around him or her. This year’s recipient is Wayne Clifford. Wayne has been a volunteer for the profession of counselling for many, many years. The list of activities reflecting his volunteerism does not adequately do justice to the number of hours he worked, the richness of his contributions and the dedication with which he served the counselling profession.
The CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
This year’s recipient of the Doctoral Dissertation Award is Cynthia Bilodeau for her dissertation entitled “Examining the links between alliance, shame-proneness and impact on the counselling supervisory process”.
CCPA Student Travel Award
Each year the Canadian Counselling Association provides two $500 awards to support student members who wish to attend the CCPA conference. This year’s recipients are Jessica Isenor, a master’s student in Counselling Psychology at the University of Western Ontario and Autumn Chilcote, a master’s student in Educational Counselling at the University of Northern BC.
Marsh Student Bursary Award
In support of Graduate Student research, Marsh, the CCPA Professional Liability Insurance Broker of choice, has provided two $500 awards to student members demonstrating academic excellence. Research and quality counselling practice is the foundation of our profession. This award reflects our recognition of the work of beginning researchers in the profession. This years’ recipients are Julie Longard et Sarah Pittoello.
Dr Lynda Younghusband Counselling Award
The Dr. Lynda Younghusband Counselling Award has been established by Dr. Younghusband to promote the counselling profession and to improve access for students to the annual Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) conference. This years’ recipient is Brittan Giovannini.
Career Counsellors Chapter : Dr. R. Vance Peavy Travel Award
Every year the Career Counselling Chapter offers a bursary of $300 toward attending the CCPA conference to a graduate student in counselling, career counselling, or career development who has research interests in career development.This year’s recipient was Jessica Isenor.
Counsellor Educators Chapter Doctoral Student Travel Award
The Counsellor Educators Chapter wishes to encourage a CCPA member who is pursuing doctoral studies to consider a career as a counsellor educator. The Counsellor Educators Chapter Award is designed to support a student in attending the pre-conference one-day workshop of the Counsellor Educators Chapter held annually at the CCPA national conference.This year’s recipient was Simon Viviers.
CCPA Masters Thesis Award
This year’s recipient is Meg Kapil and her thesis is entitled: Person, Place, and Perception in Paths to the Future: Adolescent Self-Concept, Sense of Community, and Possible Selves in a Rural Context.
CCPA Counselling Book Award
This year’s recipient is Katherine Paxton for her book entitled “Counselling people on the autism spectrum: A practical manual”.
CCPA Student Travel Award
Each year, the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association provides two $500 awards in support of student members who wish to attend the CCPA annual conference. This year’s recipients are Julie Longard, a masters student in Creative Arts Therapies at Concordia University and Monika Gal, a masters student in Educational Counselling at the University of Ottawa.
CCPA/Marsh Student Award
In support of Graduate Student research, Marsh, the CCPA Professional Liability Insurance Broker of Choice, has provided two $500 awards to student members demonstrating academic excellence. This year’s recipients for the Marsh Student Award are Lara Elizabeth Cross and Adija Mugabo.
Professional Contribution Award
CCPA’S Professional Contribution Award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling in Canada. This year’s recipient, Dr. Lynda Younghusband, has exemplified the dedicated service of CCPA counsellors in promoting and extending the profession of counselling and psychotherapy in a variety of settings and a variety of modalities. In addition to serving on the Board of CCPA for four years, Lynda is now in her sixth year as Chair of the CCPA Ethics Committee. She has also been quite active in her own province promoting the profession of counselling. She has had multiple broadcasts on CBC’s W5 where she helped raise public awareness of bullying. She organizes and runs a professional reading/journal group for Newfoundland and Labrador counsellors in the St. John’s area. Her doctoral research: High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Working Environment in Newfoundland increased awareness of stress experienced by teachers in NL. This research was presented regionally, nationally and internationally. Lynda works tirelessly. These are but a few small contributions she has made and is still making. She continues to act as CCPA Chair and contributes regularly to the profession of counselling in her own province and to the profession nationally.
Lorne Flavelle Award
The Lorne Flavelle Award is given for outstanding service to CCPA. This award was named after our good friend and colleague Lorne Flavelle who epitomizes voluntary leadership at the heart of all CCPA activity. True to Lorne, this award has been designed to recognize a CCPA member for his/her special contribution to the counselling community, their cheerful attitude, and their unflagging support of those around him or her. This year’s recipient, Dr. Pat Donihee, has demonstrated a commitment and a passion for the promotion of counselling in Canada.
CCPA Honorary Life Membership Award
This year’s recipient is Chris Cooper. Mr. Cooper has been involved with CCPA for over 20 years. He first became a member after completing his M.Ed. in Guidance and Counselling at the University of New Brunswick in 1987. He served as the Newfoundland/Labrador Director from 1989 to 1993. He was then President Elect, President and Past President from 1993 to 1999. In 1995, Chris was a member of the Conference Steering Committee and in 2005, he chaired the Committee.
CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award
The CCPA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award is presented to a counsellor who has developed and disseminated resources in Canada. This year’s recipients developed a tool that will contribute to advancements in career development, particularly for adolescents and adults who possess low levels of qualification. This year’s recipients were Marcelle Gingras, Pierrette Dupont and Bernard Tétreau.
Counselling Practitioner Award
The Counselling Practitioner Award is given out to someone who represents the optimal model of a caring person and professional. They are involved in professional and program development and they are also involved both within and outside the work community to promote counselling. This person also demonstrates excellence in leadership as a practicing counsellor. This year’s recipient was Sandi Duffield-King. Sandi has been characterized by her peers as a caring and skilled counsellor, committed to the growth and development of students and the counselling profession. She has worked tirelessly for counselling regulation in PEI and has an endless energy for her work in counselling. Her passion for dealing with challenging issues is an inspiration.
The Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism
The Robert Langlois Award for Bilingualism is given to a member who has made the most significant contribution to the promotion of bilingualism in or through counselling. This year’s recipient was Maria De Cicco. Maria has made considerable effort to ensure that all CCPA communications and documents are translated in both official languages and that Francophone members can always address themselves in French to someone from the Executive. The quality of her work and the sincere manner in which it is done has helped
to assure Francophone members that CCPA promotes its bilingualism policy.
Professional Contribution Award
The Professional Contribution Award is given to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to counselling in Canada. The recipients for 2009 were Marian McDonald and Madeleine Lelievre. Together, they were successful in bringing Nova Scotia on board as the third province in Canada to regulate counselling therapists. Marian showed exceptional leadership and determination when confronted with opposition to the bill and did not waiver in her dedication to the protection of the public. Madeleine showed strong commitment to the regulatory process in Canada and helped lay the groundwork for Marian to build upon.
Lorne Flavelle Award
The Lorne Flavelle Award is given for outstanding service to CCPA. This award was named after our good friend and colleague Lorne Flavelle who epitomizes voluntary leadership at the heart of all CCPA activity. True to Lorne, this award has been designed to recognize a CCPA member for his/her special contribution to the counselling community, their cheerful attitude, and their unflagging support of those around him or her. This year’s recipient for the Lorne Flavelle Award was Dr. Robert Baudouin.
CCPA Student Travel Award
Each year the Canadian Counselling Association provides two $500 awards to support student members who wish to attend the CCPA conference. This year’s recipients were Paul Yeung, a PhD student in Educational Psychology at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, BC. and Miriam Duff, a Master’s in Education student in Counselling at the University of Manitoba.
Career Counsellors Chapter : Dr. R. Vance Peavy Travel Award
Every year the Career Counselling Chapter offers a bursary of $300 toward attending the CCPA conference to a graduate student in counselling, career counselling, or career development who has research interests in career development.This year’s recipient was Melissa Gray.
Counsellor Educators Chapter Doctoral Student Travel Award
The Counsellor Educators Chapter wishes to encourage a CCPA member who is pursuing doctoral studies to consider a career as a counsellor educator. The Counsellor Educators Chapter Award is designed to support a student in attending the pre-conference one-day workshop of the Counsellor Educators Chapter held annually at the CCPA national conference.This year’s recipient was Judi L. Malone.
The CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
This year’s recipient was Linda O’Neill for her “Experience of Northern Helping Practitioners” dissertation. Linda’s dissertation focused on the personal and professional costs to practitioners working in isolated settings.
Counsellor Educator's Student Award
The Counsellor Educators Chapter encourages CCA members who are pursuing doctoral studies to consider a career as a counsellor educator. This award is designed to support a student in attending the pre-conference one-day workshop of the Counsellor Educators Chapter held annually at the CCA national conference. The 2008 recipient was Frances Guenette.
Vance Peavy Travel Bursary – Career Counsellors Chapter
The Vance Peavy Travel Bursary is awarded each year to honour Vance’s legacy. The 2008 recipient was Louis Cournoyer.
CCA Student Travel Award
Each year CCA sponsors two students to attend the CCA conference. This year our recipient was Andrea Johnson, who is, completing her MA in Creative Arts Therapy, at Concordia University,in Montreal.
Graduate Student Research Award sponsored by AON
In support of Graduate Student research, AON, the CCA Professional Liability Insurance Broker of Choice, provides two $500 research grants to students demonstrating excellence in research. This year we have one recipient, Calli Armstrong.
CCA Master's Thesis Award
The recipient for this year is Mr. Simon Viviers from the University of Laval. His thesis is entitled,Étude de la Santé Psychologique des Ophtalmologistes Québécois.
Professional Article Award
This year’s recipient is Dr. Avraham Cohen (Primary Author) & Dr. Heesoon Bai – Suffering Loves and Needs Company: Buddhist and Daoist Perspectives on the Counsellor as a Companion.
CCA Book Award
The 2008 CCA Book Award recipient is Charles P. Chen, for his book entitled: Career Endeavour: Pursuing a Cross-Cultural Life Transition.
CCA’S Professional Contribution Award
The CCA Professional Contribution Award may be awarded to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling in Canada. This year CCA is honouring Dr. Vivian Lalande.
The Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service
The Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service may be awarded to a long-serving member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCA. This year, we are proud to give this award posthumously to Mrs Bev Abbey.
Counsellor Educator`s Student Award
The Counsellor Educators Chapter encourages CCA members who are pursuing doctoral studies to consider a career as a counsellor educator. This award is designed to support a student in attending the pre-conference one-day workshop of the Counsellor Educators Chapter held annually at the CCA national conference. The 2007 recipient was Olga Sutherland.
Vance Peavy Travel Bursary – Career Counsellors Chapter
The Vance Peavy Travel Bursary is awarded each year to honour Vance’s legacy. The 2007 recipient was Margaret Kapil.
CCA Student Travel Award
Each year CCA sponsors two students to attend the CCA conference. This year our two recipients are Ariadne Patsiopoulos and Andy Dimitri Veilleux. Ariadne is a student at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Andy is a student at Laval University
Graduate Student Research Award sponsored by AON
In support of Graduate Student research, AON, the CCA Professional Liability Insurance Broker of Choice, provides two $500 research grants to students demonstrating excellence in research. This year we have one recipient Louis Cournoyer who is currently conducting research on School Network Influences on College Student Professional Projects. He is a student at Sherbrooke University.
CCA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award
The CCA Counselling Resources and Training Materials Award is presented to a counsellor who has developed and disseminated resources in Canada. This year’s recipient is Lorna Martin.
The Counsellor Practitioner Award
The Counsellor Practitioner Award honours a counsellor who demonstrates excellence in leadership as a practicing counsellor, illustrates competence in counselling and effectiveness of both skills and service. They are the optimal model of a caring person and professional whose knowledge, skills, and talents are valued by clients and colleagues.
This year’s recipient is Esta Porter who is a counsellor in Procter, BC. Esta is a Licensed Mental Health Counsellor, Registered Clinical Counsellor, Certified Graduate of Authentic Happiness Coaching Program, Mentor Coach Coaching Program, Certified Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, teacher, clinical hypnotherapist and golfer.
Throughout her thirty five years in clinical practice, she has worked in the public school systems with high risk youth, including school aged mothers, youths and families involved in the Social Services system; with foster care; psychiatrically involved youths and their families. In addition, she has maintained a private practice dealing with individuals, children, adolescents, families and groups. Her focus is strengths-based and empowering clients to be themselves authentically. Her background includes teaching at the high school and college levels, and is currently maintaining a private practice in counselling psychology, coaching and consulting to businesses, schools and organizations, facilitating trainings locally and internationally.
Robert Langlois Award
This award is given to a member of CCA who has made a significant contribution to the promotion of bilingualism in or through counselling. This year’s recipient is Marie-Claude Martel. Marie-Claude has been very involved in many projects concerning bilingualism in her years with CCA. She was a member of the Cognica Editorial Committee from 2000 to 2004. From 2000 to 2005, Marie-Claude was the Ontario Francophone director for CCA and she also served as Vice-President of CCA as the Francophone member of the Executive. Marie-Claude has also been an active member of the NCR Chapter and has promoted bilingualism through her work with this chapter. In January 2007 she organized a French language seminar for the NCR chapter which was a great success.
Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service
The Lorne Flavelle Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service is given to a CCA member in recognition of outstanding volunteer service to CCA. This year, CCA would like to honour Edward Peck. Edward is the longest serving Executive member of the BC Chapter of CCA. Prior to the revitalization of the Chapter, Edward served as a member at large on the board of directors. He is known for his fine work on the B.C. Chapter website which became the national site of record for the Task Group on Counsellor Regulation. More recently, he has selflessly dedicated himself to the hard work of Registration for this conference.It is hard to imagine anyone who works as hard and cares as much about CCA as the person whose name is carried on this award. Edward Peck is such a person and most deserving of our recognition at a conference he has worked so very hard to make successful.
CCA Professional Contribution Award
The CCA Professional Contribution Award may be awarded to a member in recognition of outstanding professional contribution to Counselling in Canada. This year CCA is honouring Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw.
As Prince Edward Island Director, Corrine has made a major contribution to the promotion, development, and advocacy of counsellors in her province which resulted in the excellent promotion of CCA within Canada. Her great entrepreneurial spirit as a creator of a private province-wide career development service, employing only Canadian Certified Counsellors has contributed greatly to the counselling profession. She further contributes as a project leader for numerous initiatives and is an outstanding community counsellor, volunteering her professional and personal time.
As a director for CCA and Ethics Committee Chair, Corrine has been an inspiration and model in these leadership roles. As Ethics Chair she has had to sacrifice much time to resolve complaints and inquiries along with organizing and recruiting committee members. She has made a point of upgrading all CCA Directors in Ethical procedures by giving presentations and workshops.
Corrine shows leadership by example and shares her expertise with her colleagues. She is known for her great compassion for everyone who is blessed with crossing her life path.
CCA Honorary Life Membership Award
The CCA Honorary Life Membership is awarded to a member who has made a considerable contribution to the aims and objectives of the Canadian Counseling Association. This year CCA would like to honour Daphne Campbell. Daphne was a CCA Director, a CCA Treasurer, was on the Atlantic Chapter Executive and a PEICA Past President. In addition she earned the CCA Practitioners Award. Daphne has maintained her CCC status even though she is also an RSW. She is an exemplary model of a professional counsellor (or psychotherapist or counselling therapist!!). She currently serves as Chair of the PEICA High School Counsellors Committee and she is always ready to be of service when asked.
The CCPA Doctoral Dissertation Award
This year’s recipient is Dr. Lynda J. Younghusband for her thesis entitled High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Working Environment in Newfoundland: A Grounded Theory study. Her work has been the object of a report on the CBC W-5 program.