Career Buzz Podcast: What’s it like to live and work in Turkey?

Posted by: Mark Franklin on August 27, 2015 5:00 am

Turkey“If you are working you should get paid,” Gokce Ucar told Career Buzz listeners (July 29, 2015) when I interviewed her in the Izmir airport on a recent trip to Turkey. When she graduated university, Gokce, like many Turkish new entrants to the job market, she reluctantly did an unpaid internship to get a toehold into the job market. The internship led to paid work after six months. Basak Yanar, a Turkish-Canadian researcher joined us on the show to compare and contrast Canadian and Turkish early career experiences, and to share her fascinating career story.

How the clues apply to you: If you’re a recent grad, or a parent of one, or an employer, check out this important statement on unpaid internships from CACEE. For more stories and depth listen to this Career Buzz podcast focused on internships and the ‘quiet disaster’ of youth unemployment with journalist and Atkinson Fellow, Neil Sandell.

Download and enjoy learning from the July 29 podcast, also featuring teachers of English based in Turkey: Zoe Davids, Sami Anderson-Talbi and Mick Jackson. Or, listen to any of our 300+ archived Career Buzz podcasts. (Hint: Use SEARCH at bottom right of any webpage for your topic, e.g. “circus”).

*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA