Icon in the shape of a positively progressing stock graph. Icon in the shape of a closed book. Icon in the shape of a paper with pencil hovering over it. Icon in the shape of stacked list of images with text beside them Icon in the shape of a circle with the Twitter bird in the middle. Icon in the shape of a checkmark Icon in the shape of a magnifying glass Icon in the shape of a label tag Icon in the shape of an item list Icon in the shape of an arrow in clockwise direction Icon in the shape of a left pointing arrow Icon in the shape of a right pointing arrow Icon in the shape of a man's head and a woman's head Icon in the shape of a pie chart with the top right quarter offset from the rest Icon in the shape of four arrows pointing inward Icon in the shape of the facebook logo with circle around it

The following may be of use to you, your clients and your practice.

Do you have a suggestions for other resources? Send them to [email protected].

Talking Can Help Public Website

This website is specifically for individuals seeking information and support about the profession of counselling and psychotherapy. The website raises public awareness of the role of the profession in mental health and wellness and supports informed decision-making when choosing a mental health practitioner.

The public can find information on reasons for seeking counselling, types of therapies and even tips on finding the right therapist for them. This website demystifies therapy and clears many misconceptions that might be keeping some individuals who are considering counselling from going ahead with it. This is a safe and anonymous way for people to seek answers to their questions and gain access to the help they need.


General (Free) Mental Health Resources | Ressources générales (gratuites) en santé mentale

Click here

Guide for School Counsellors Working with Military and Veteran Families

Click Here

Queer and multilingual resources | Ressources Queer et multilingues

Click Here

Movember and male resources | Movember et ressources pour hommes

Click Here

PTSD | Trouble de stress post-traumatique

Click Here

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