Tag Archives: tips

“Wellness Tips from The Self-Care Daily™.”

Posted by: Derrick Shirley on January 20, 2012 8:00 am

Wellness Tip #37: Vacation Planning for Health

Be heart led rather than head led when planning your next vacation.

Do you have a dream vacation spot or activity? Is there some place you have always wanted to visit or some thing you have always wanted to do or try? Let your deepest yearnings and passions guide you and influence your choices and activities. Let your “down time” fill you up physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Do some internet research or call your travel agent to get more information. You might find your dreams are not as far away as you once thought.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

“Wellness Tips from The Self-Care Daily™.”

Posted by: Derrick Shirley on January 9, 2012 12:25 pm


As this is the first official self-care tip of 2012, I will share with you one closest to my heart. It remains the most powerful instrument of personal change and transformation in my life, business and weight loss (I lost over 180 lbs) to date:

Personal Writing.

Even if its just a few lines about how you are feeling, try to do some journaling today and everyday. I cannot even begin to tell you how powerful this is and doing this earlier in the day brings the greatest benefits.

Write a letter to yourself, write about your work, or just empty your mind. Write about something funny and watch your mood shift with each word. If you are concerned that someone might read your writing, write on loose-leaf paper, tear it up when finished and destroy it. In this self-care activity, the process is more important than the content.

Make the time to connect with you. You are worth it!

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Practically Yours: Self-Care Tips for Counsellors

Posted by: Derrick Shirley on April 12, 2011 9:07 am

My favourite activity at my childhood camp was “FREE TIME!” I even remember it being written in capitol letters on the weekly schedule. If it was sunny, we went to the swimming hole. If it was raining, we created a mudslide. Nothing could keep us from going outside to play. As adults, we spend time with friends, play games with the kids, or take a vacation and get lost in a sunset. We have been doing “self-care” our whole lives.

As we age, responsibilities grow and “self-care” becomes more important. Full and part-time jobs, demanding schedules, parenting, caring for aging parents, spending more time with family and friends, justifiably or not, all means less time for ourselves.  Add to this the increasing roles and responsibilities of counselling, and effective self-care becomes not only a professional, but ethical imperative.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA