Tag Archives: The Optimistic Child

The Importance of Play

Posted by: Asa Don Brown on March 29, 2012 4:25 pm

Children thrive upon play.  As a toddler, we mimic our parents, our siblings, our pets, the television, and many other significant participants in our lives.  As a child, we are in a perpetual learning curve, constantly seeking to be stimulated.  Fostering a need for such stimulation begins within the home.  As parents, we are the consummate role model.  We are the creative instigator of their developing minds.  

Creativity is the freest form of self-expression and, for children, the creative process is more important than the finished product. There is nothing more fulfilling for children than to be able to express themselves freely. The ability to be creative can do much to nurture your children’s emotional health. All children need to be creative is the freedom to commit themselves to the effort and make whatever activity they are doing their own. 

(PBS, 2012, Online)

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