Tag Archives: Talking Helps

It’s Brain Awareness Week!

Posted by: CC PA on March 16, 2015 2:52 pm

“In the past twenty years, neuroscience and psychotherapy research has increased our knowledge of how and why people change and the reasons individuals may ‘get stuck’ in negative patterns of behaviour. This new brain awareness allows for innovative ways to understand interpersonal relationships, emotional memories, and strategies for mental health and wellness,” said CCPA President Blythe Shepard.  “It simultaneously offers new hope for recovery and stabilization of mental illnesses.  The brain can change — it is not fixed. The brain responds to external environmental events and actions undertaken by the individual. This means that counselling and psychotherapy can also build new brain networks as we actively listen to our clients, show empathic understanding, and build upon and recognize clients’ strengths.”

CCPA hosts a public website “Talking Helps” (www.talkingcanhelp.ca), which facilitates open dialogue and provides a place where members of the public can find authoritative information about the benefits of counselling in ameliorating a variety of challenging life situations. This website also provides a directory to Canadian Certified Counsellors by geographic location and specialty. You can also visit www.ccpa-accp.ca, to access this directory and search for a Canadian Certified Counsellor in your region.

Read more at: http://www.ccpa-accp.ca/en/newsevents/newsreleases/details.php?id=125.

*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA