Tag Archives: Social networking

Being Digitally Aware

Posted by: Dawn Schell on June 10, 2015 2:03 pm

You have a Facebook page designed for your professional practice. You notice that one of the followers is a current client. They post many comments that identify themselves as your client. How would you handle this?social-media-488886_640

In this day and age of social networking this is an increasingly likely scenario. And if we are to be good digital citizens and demonstrate our e-professionalism we need to think about how to handle social media ethically.

What are the options for handling the above-mentioned situation ethically while working to maintain the relationship with the client?  We could ‘block’ our client but what are the implications of that action for our relationship? Or would it draw even more attention to them? Do we post something publicly that addresses the client’s comments? Or..?

Our CCPA Code of Ethics (B 2) states, “Counselling relationships and information resulting therefrom are kept confidential.”

Hmm. How to preserve the client’s confidentiality and actually put a stop to the situation?

There is no easy answer for how to resolve this scenario!
Continue reading

*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Digital Art Therapy

Posted by: Priya Senroy on June 13, 2011 10:35 am

Continuing on exciting happenings in the field of Creative Arts, this blog is inspired by an article published by Art therapist, Cathy Malchiodi on the topic- Art Therapy Meets Digital Art and Social Multimedia, Art therapy goes digital in the 21st century…well maybe.

Cathy’s opening paragraph caught my attention as did this video I saw on the internet. According to her, traditional materials of 20th century visual arts-drawing, painting, sculpture, and collage or mixed media–have defined the field of art therapy for the past 50 years. But as digital technology has become more accessible and straight-forward, practitioners of art therapy are gradually including digital media as a method and means for client self-expression.

Now whether art therapists are going to use this medium or not is dependent on individuals- will it be covered by insurance etc and be seen as important as face to face sessions or not will probably will take time as, again according to Cathy, first, the field of art therapy will have to catch up with fast-moving changes in digital and social media as well as develop research studies to evaluate the benefits of these media with the hands-on activities such as drawing, painting, modeling, constructing, and assembling.

For those who are interested, this video demonstrates how traditional and non- traditional formats of using art therapy with clients can be intermixed to make the medium more accessible and interactive at the same time.

You can also join an ongoing lively discussion, Digital Art Therapy, is via the social networking service LinkedIn and hosted by media expert Ginger Poole to get more information.

*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA