Tag Archives: self-efficacy

Can I do this?

Posted by: John Stewart on June 17, 2011 1:09 pm

We have been writing about metadimensions of the self-concept system.  Since individuals have many self-concepts (not just one), it is possible to distinguish between a self-concept and a self-concept system. More specifically, the vocational self-concept system consists of the thoughts individuals have about their perceived traits that are considered important to the work role. In this presentation, we focus on self-efficacy and the ways perceived self-efficacy can influence the vocational decision-making process.

Self-efficacy is defined as individuals’ beliefs about their competencies to perform behaviors necessary to accomplish a particular task. Bandura popularized this construct and it is a major component in Social Cognitive Career Theory.  Further, self-efficacy is used to explain some of the major differences between males and females in their academic and occupational decision-making.

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