Tag Archives: self-concept

Can I do this?

Posted by: John Stewart on June 17, 2011 1:09 pm

We have been writing about metadimensions of the self-concept system.  Since individuals have many self-concepts (not just one), it is possible to distinguish between a self-concept and a self-concept system. More specifically, the vocational self-concept system consists of the thoughts individuals have about their perceived traits that are considered important to the work role. In this presentation, we focus on self-efficacy and the ways perceived self-efficacy can influence the vocational decision-making process.

Self-efficacy is defined as individuals’ beliefs about their competencies to perform behaviors necessary to accomplish a particular task. Bandura popularized this construct and it is a major component in Social Cognitive Career Theory.  Further, self-efficacy is used to explain some of the major differences between males and females in their academic and occupational decision-making.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

How clear is your self-picture?

Posted by: Jeffrey Landine on May 6, 2011 9:07 am

By: Jeff Landine and John Stewart

As stated in our previous blog, one significant task of career counselling involves understanding and organizing clients’ self-attributes.  A taxonomy developed by Donald Super was articulated as a useful structure for understanding the various self-concepts and the self-concept system including the dimensions of esteem, clarity, consistency, realism, complexity and efficacy.

In the context of vocational self-concepts, clarity refers to the precision with which a particular self-concept is defined and consistency refers to the congruence that exists between self-concepts.  A clear self-concept would be one that is well defined and has clearly recognized attributes.  For example, a clear vocational self-concept such as punctual would be accompanied by the ability to define punctuality and supporting evidence of the possession of this characteristic.  A consistent self-concept would be one that fits easily and appropriately with other self-concepts in the system.  For example, it is easy to see oneself as both driven and conscientious with regard to work life but it would be much harder to see how one could be driven and laid back in their approach to work.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA