Tag Archives: psycho-truma

Hello Creative Counsellors

Posted by: Priya Senroy on March 15, 2012 10:00 am

As I continue on inviting all of you to join me on a journey around the world on pioneers of creative therapeutic intervention/modalities, I would like to introduce you to the work of Prof. Mooli Lahad.


He has been a great influence on my work as a creative arts therapist and I have used his Integrative Model of Coping and Resiliency ‘BASIC PH’ extensively.


In my endeavor to learn from his knowledge base, I have found this site where he introduces e-learning simulation game accompanying the step by step guide on how to prepare for and manage a crisis.

I am also intrigued by his ‘SEE FAR CBT’ psycho -trauma treatment protocol, adopted by other practitioners worldwide, which I plan to include in my existing work.

I hope if you ever have the opportunity to hear him or attend any of his workshops or even go to Israel and study under him, I would strongly encourage you to do that, meanwhile, please visit the websites for more information on him.

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