Tag Archives: Professional Psychology

What Lies Ahead?

Posted by: Dawn Schell on January 14, 2013 2:50 pm

It happens every year. Newspapers, television and radio programs gather together a panel of pundits and ask them to predict what will happen in the coming year. I’m not sure about the overall statistical accuracy of such panels but it makes for entertaining listening.

I thought about doing the same here in this blog post. Gather the brightest and best in the online counselling world together and ask them to predict online counselling trends for 2013. Before I could get started on gathering a panel I came across an article in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice on the Future of Telepsychology and I opted instead to share their view of the future.

Written primarily for a psychology audience the article is a call for action on the part of the psychology profession. The authors’ observation is that the psychology profession is lagging behind when it comes to technology. The authors state, “Whether psychologists embrace or resist aspects of technology, they should: recognize how advanced technologies are changing the way we communicate and process information, anticipate needed growth, and prepare to meet ensuing challenges to professional psychology.”

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA