Tag Archives: practical

Practically Yours: Self-Care Tips for Counsellors – Emotional Health

Posted by: Derrick Shirley on May 25, 2011 11:26 am

“How does that make you feel?” This is a signature question of psychotherapy. But what does it mean to be emotionally healthy? What is emotional intelligence? How can a counsellor utilize their own emotional intelligence to benefit counselling outcomes? Are there any practical tips related to self-care that enhance good emotional health?

This is part three of a six part series that addresses the links between self-care and good health. In the first two posts, I introduced and discussed physical and mental health (Ivker, Anderson, & Trivieri, 2000). In this post, I will discuss characteristics of good emotional health and offer practical applications for counselling practice.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Practically Yours: Self-Care Tips for Counsellors – Mental Health

Posted by: Derrick Shirley on May 10, 2011 9:03 am

How do we maintain good mental health as we help others with theirs? What are some best practices for mental and emotional clearing between sessions? Are there any special considerations for counsellors and psychotherapists concerning our own mental health?

This is part two of a six part series that addresses the links between self-care and good health. In part one of this series, I introduced six components of health and discussed physical health (Ivker, Anderson, & Trivieri, 2000). In this post, we will discuss characteristics of good mental health and offer practical applications for counselling practice.

Ivker et al. (2000), summarize mental health as a “condition of peace of mind and contentment”. Memories of the introduction to “The Little House on the Prairie” immediately come to my mind. This was a popular television series from the 1970’s that opened with the three little Ingalls’ girls running happily down a grassy hill. Good mental health may include freeing experiences such as this as well as others. Having a job that you love doing, being optimistic, having a sense of humour, experiencing financial well-being, and/or living your life vision are other characteristics of good mental health according to Ivker.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Practically Yours: Self-Care Tips for Counsellors

Posted by: Derrick Shirley on April 12, 2011 9:07 am

My favourite activity at my childhood camp was “FREE TIME!” I even remember it being written in capitol letters on the weekly schedule. If it was sunny, we went to the swimming hole. If it was raining, we created a mudslide. Nothing could keep us from going outside to play. As adults, we spend time with friends, play games with the kids, or take a vacation and get lost in a sunset. We have been doing “self-care” our whole lives.

As we age, responsibilities grow and “self-care” becomes more important. Full and part-time jobs, demanding schedules, parenting, caring for aging parents, spending more time with family and friends, justifiably or not, all means less time for ourselves.  Add to this the increasing roles and responsibilities of counselling, and effective self-care becomes not only a professional, but ethical imperative.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA