Tag Archives: Personal Insight

The Effects of Pornography

Posted by: Asa Don Brown on March 7, 2013 4:23 pm

The effects of porn addiction are undeniable.  Those who suffer from such an addiction, frequently struggle with a desire to part from their addictive issue.  The nature of porn addiction infiltrates the mind by gradually permeating the very essence of the individual.  The individual becomes so entangled by the web of such an addiction, that every waking moment is about fulfilling the addiction.  In many cases porn addicts frequently feel that the pornography has so entrenched their mind, that they begin carrying on a surreptitious like affair with their pornographic habit.  


There is no absolute cause for porn addiction.  Porn addiction can occur because of a variety of issues.  A child who runs across his father’s collection of pornography, may develop a habitual need for pornography.  A man or woman whose partner denies them continuously, their sexual desires or advancements, may find pornography as a comfortable replacement.   

“A 50-year old married physician views internet pornography for hours at home, masturbating five to seven times a day, then begins surfing porn sites at the office… A woman spends four to six hours a day in internet chat rooms and having cybersex… A married couple view pornographic movies together as part of their loving relationship, but the husband starts spending more time watching…” (SFGate, 2011, Online) 

There is no one single causation for porn or sexual addictions, rather there a multiple number of causations that could be the catalyst for such sexual deviance.  Pornographic and sexual addictions frequently stem from childhood related abuses, sexual indiscretions, psychological and psychiatric disorders, familial violence and abuse, relationship violence and abuse, traumas incurred in childhood or as an adult, an opportunity for sexual or pornographic imagery, relationship problems with a spouse, or compulsive needs.  

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Healthy Communication

Posted by: Asa Don Brown on January 23, 2013 4:23 pm

Relationships are an art form created by two individuals who have a similar or complimentary vision, passion, and ambition.  Rarely has a relationship developed without its growth pains.  Similar to the development of the human body; a relationship is affected by the nurturing it receives.  If a relationship lacks in nutrition it will not have a healthy development. Unhealthy relationships are most commonly lacking in the most essential of ingredient: healthy communication. 

What is communication? It is the ability to convey or share emotions, feelings, sentiments, and desires.  Communication can be sent or received through verbal or nonverbal cues.  Healthy communication is the ability to communicate without offering hateful or undesirable responses.  While not all communication will be received with a welcoming spirit; healthy communication acknowledges that we have a right to “agree to disagree”.  

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA