Tag Archives: optimism

Real-Time Adventures in Counselling Private Practice – Chapter Four

Posted by: Rhea Plosker on May 6, 2015 2:00 pm

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Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence. -Helen Keller


Chapter One, Chapter Two, and Chapter Three of Adventures in Private Practice described my mid-life career transition from engineering to counselling private practice.

In January 2015, I joined William Cooke and Associates, after a year as “post graduate intern”. We are a mature practice, established in 1996, currently seeking business growth. Since I am the associate in need of more clients, I am by default the “Practice Marketing Manager”. My 20 years managing marketing technology in large corporations is helping, but marketing a small business is a different world.

I have redesigned our website, started a blog, ran a ‘Google AdWords’ campaign, created a print card, and am in the middle of a direct mail campaign targeting local health care providers. I implemented Google Analytics to give us better insight into who is visiting our site and what information they find helpful. I’m having fun, and feel like I’m providing a better and more authentic service to my clients. When I offer clients the idea to:

“Try something. If it works keep doing it. If not, try something else. But keep trying.”
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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA