Tag Archives: Multicultural Counselling

‘ISMS’ of my Counselling Practice

Posted by: Priya Senroy on August 14, 2013 3:13 pm

As summer is slowly slipping away from our hands, I have been trying to make the most of the weather, the culture as well as firing my neurons—almost like buffering up for the colder months. I have been trying to diversify my counselling portfolio, trying to work with clients from different areas and also keep my private practice alive.

One of the dilemmas that I face often-I do not know if it is self imposed or it is circumstantial …it has to  do with refusing  clients who are not able to pay my fees at all. I have often done pro bono work  on one hand  that always challenges me financially and on the other hand  I am trying to break down the  ‘isms’ and always looking at the ways in which to accommodate clients irrespective of their  socio-econominc status. I always feel at the back of my mind that financial    affordability should not stop me from offering my services.  Many clients are on welfare and some of them are just poor and I refer them to free services…. so does that mean that in some way I am biased and that I have issues with ‘classism’. There is also a vast amount of literature exploring the role of class in terms of psychotherapy. Proctor (2002) writes clients are more likely to be poorer than their therapists and from a working class rather than middle class background. Tidwell (1992) argues that crisis counselling is the preferred format of therapy for the underclass with an emphasis in therapy upon issues which she sees are significant, for example issues around low income, health problems and stressful life events. She argues it is the preferred format because it is inexpensive, brief and symptom oriented.  I do not know if that is the most appropriate way of delivering the service but if clients who really need my service and can’t pay $100 an hour, am I not  practicing what I am  advocating, that being free of ‘isms’ in my practice? Well that is something for me to explore for the rest of the summer.



*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Interesting Reading

Posted by: Priya Senroy on May 2, 2012 2:40 pm

As we embrace Spring like weather here in Canada, I have again been reading interesting viewpoints of Counsellors who work in a diverse and multicultural set up. This month’s blog focuses on a document titled- Within and Beyond Borders: Critical Multicultural Counselling in Practice Critical Multicultural Series.  Based on the 4th Critical Multicultural Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference that took place in Toronto in 2007, the documents include 12 chapters, with topics ranging from Aboriginal ways of healing to mental health issues in the South Asian communities, from exploring Martial Arts as healing to discussing Jungian viewpoints of the self.


*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Welcome Spring!!!

Posted by: Priya Senroy on March 20, 2012 2:54 pm

And a big warm welcome to fellow bloggers and readers…

As the weather changes and I am preparing to finish my cybercounselling course, I wanted to share an article that was published in the CCPA journal in 1999, tilted- Resolution of Value Conflicts in Multicultural Counselling  by Noorfarah Merali, University of Alberta.

This along with other related articles and documents have helped me to tweak and modify my thought process as I assimilate more of the best practices in my own private practice.

Happy Reading!!!!


*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Multicultural Counselling in the New Millennium Article

Posted by: Priya Senroy on September 16, 2011 2:01 pm

Hello fellow counselors, as the weather slowly starts to change, I am focusing my energy on trying to read articles and books on cultural diversity and I came across an article that was published in the Canadian Journal of Counselling in 2001 on  Multicultural Counselling in the New Millennium. The article written by Nancy Arthur, University of Calgary and John Stewart from the University of New Brunswick, begins by describing the cultural diversity of Canadian society with an emphasis on changing population demographics in the fore seeable future. Next, perspectives about the multicultural counselling movement are outlined. The discussion then turns to culture-centred counselling competencies in the domains of self-awareness, knowledge, skills, and organizational competencies. Counsellors are invited to consider ways of incorporating culture-centered competencies into their professional practice, future research, and professional development.

It is an interesting read and I hope that the momentum and enthusiasm that was shared way back in the beginning of the millennium is going to continue in the foreseeable future where multicultural counseling will be incorporated in the daily repertoire of counselors.


*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA