Tag Archives: Emotional

Capoeira and Yoga as Therapeutic Interventions

Posted by: Priya Senroy on May 16, 2011 9:01 am

I have been watching some interesting videos on You tube while trying to bring different kinds of didactic presentation materials into these blogs. So in the coming months, I would like to share different drama, theater, visual art, dance and other art forms which are being used as counselling techniques in various parts of the world. Some of the techniques are unusual while other are well know tools of the trade.

These two featured presentations talks about using the dance/movement forms as counseling technique. As a drama and movement therapist myself, I am always looking for unique and traditional dance forms that can be used in various combinations while working with clients groups.

The first feature goes on a journey to India and talks about combining Yoga and Dance into a cutting edge format for expression as well as performance. This feature pulled on my heart strings as I come from India and have myself at many times incorporated my Indian classical dance background in my counselling work.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

How To Take The High Road With Your Kids When The Low Road Is All You Can See

Posted by: Guest on April 1, 2011 9:14 am

Do you ever feel like pulling your hair out when you are trying to get your child to take Tylenol for a high fever and they are refusing adamantly? Or you are trying to have a short phone conversation and you are interrupted 2000 times by a tiny human that “needs to find his Darth Vader action figure NOW”? Or the weather-appropriate clothes that you were summoned to advise upon, and mother nature would agree should be worn on this 10 below day, are being cast aside for a tank top, capri’s and a shiny pair of flats have become the insanity inducing attire? And through it all, getting to your 9:15am meeting that you begged to have pushed back so you can gently and lovingly drop your kids off at school, as opposed to ejecting them from the car, is now history!

You know this scene. All parents do. We start out with the best intentions (we always do); we are on the high road or as Daniel Siegel (physician and author of Parenting From the Inside Out) calls it, the “High mode.” This type of functioning or “processing” as Siegel refers to, gets the name due to the part of the brain that is in the top front, called the prefrontal cortex. When we are processing in the high mode, we are engaging our rational mind, we are able to be reflective, flexible, and have a sense of self-awareness of how we are being received. In this mode, we can moderate the tone and volume of our voice, speak with love and kindness to our children, use open body language and offer mutually respectful and dignified choices for our children to respond to as well as relevant and related consequences can be used should they become needed. In this mode, we are the parent we want to be. So what happens?

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

I Don’t Care and I Don’t Want To: An Intervention for Apathetic Youth (Part 1), by Chris Dasch

Posted by: Guest on March 18, 2011 10:36 am

This is an article reposted from our Newsletter “Cognica” – Fall 2010 Edition


I want to share with you one brilliant, yet perplexing interaction I recently had with a student.  While working on trying to foster a relationship with one of my particularly unmotivated and disengaged students, we had shared many conversations together, and had come to the point where we could openly and honestly look at his behaviour and comment on the apathetic nature of much of it.  I had tried in many ways to engage and motivate this student, both from an academic standpoint, and an emotional one.  Towards the end of one of our conversations, he very eloquently stated the following paraphrased idea:

” I know that you are trying to help me Mr. D., but have you ever thought that maybe you are the one that needs the help. I look around and I see a lot of people stressed and upset.  They’re always working or fighting or tired, and I don’t really want to be like that… at all.  Even you seem pretty burnt out sometimes.  The way I do things, there is no stress.  I don’t worry and I enjoy myself a lot more than a lot of the people around me, especially my family.  Maybe you guys got it all wrong.  Maybe you need to be more like me. ”

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA