The recent holidays reminded me of a time when I returned home from a two week vacation refreshed, rested, and rejuvenated. Work started at 8:30am; at 8:36am a colleague is in my office, face sombre, eyes welled, asking, “Have you heard?” A client, survivor of a series of unfortunate hardships, has died in a tragic incident. My colleague looks at me expectantly, arms hovering, silently offering the need for a hug, and I am flummoxed. The time, now 8:39am, brings another colleague into view, ready to share the same sad news. I see both of their expectant faces, waiting for the “typical” response – but though I am saddened by the news (the client was a delightful, generous, unique human being), I am not emotionally devastated, as seems to be expected. It begs the question: to cry, or not to cry?
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