Tag Archives: discovery

Transitioning to Future Post-Secondary Education

Posted by: Tanya Levy on April 29, 2015 11:40 am

Today I have had several students stand at my door and ask questions about future programs. One student said she was looking for a guide to point her in the right direction. We chatted for a few moments and I told her that transitioning is like a process of discovery and there is no wrong way to go about it. We discussed beginning steps for her exploration and a time to check in again with what she learned.


Supporting students with making decisions for future post-secondary education is a transitioning process. It involves reflecting on successes to date and how those successes may provide a pathway to the future. Evidence gathering in a portfolio of transcripts, learning narratives and information on programs of interest can be a place to start. On a deeper level students or applicants need permission to discover. Discovery involves asking questions that promote self-awareness as well as information gathering on future programs and careers. Helping students create questions can be helpful. Questions about future programs can cover several topics including: potential costs, admission requirements, waiting lists, length of program and future employment prospects. I encourage students to ask about additional program requirements such as specialized courses or practicums. Some students learn about their future through assessment taking and online research. Other students do best with in person interviews and volunteering.
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