Tag Archives: depth psychology

The Emerging Field of Psychotraumatology in Canada

Posted by: Linda AK Thompson on January 14, 2013 2:57 pm

Trauma Counselling – Levels of Conversation – Part 1
During my PhD process and among the many texts I read; one book (unknown source) related to the field of depth psychology detailed the five levels of conversation – Formal Operations, Contact Maintenance, Standard Conversation, Critical Occasions and Intimacy. I found the content contained in each descriptor very helpful while learning about depth psychology and planning treatment goals while working with adult survivors of traumatic lifetime events (TLE). I found the descriptors so relevant to survivors within the post-trauma population that I decided to utilize content analysis of the entire text to create a 3 page, resource handout for use during psychotherapy. Unfortunately, I did not document the source on this resource material.

Over 20+ years has lapsed since this handout was created. With the advent of the www and my membership with the Depth Psychology Alliance (DPA), Canadian Counselling Psychotherapy Association (CCPA), and International Association of Counseling Hypnotherapist (IACH), professional associations; my hope remains to rediscover, properly and formally cite the original source (author and book title). If you are familiar with the content and know the source, please contact me at [email protected]Continue reading

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