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The Inner Journey

Posted by: Hailing Huang on June 6, 2013 3:38 pm

If the inner journey is the fundamental element of the spiritual path,  how  then  do we venture upon a path that can evoke the life force within us?  The world has dramatically changed from what it was fifty years ago, or five hundred years ago, however, the inward journey, the path toward maturity remains the same. By studying, and learning from these old wisdom teachings, we can acknowledge the paths of those heroes, the kinds of life quests they faced, how they felt when they faced these cross roads.  What was the life force that helped them overcome obstacles and achieve their goals? Acknowledging and learning from the old stories can provide us with a road map for our life journey. Embracing the greatness is the first step of the spiritual journey; in order for transformation to take place.

If we picture ourselves as a traveler, then to ensure that we reach our desired destination there are three essential tools that we need to gather together before embarking on the journey.  First, obtaining a road map; second, understanding the roadblocks and the third is finding a lodge for the traveler to rest.  A traveler of an inner journey requires these same tools.  

How do we get this map for our inner journey?  I think it can be discovered, and defined through your iconic figure. First, to identify your hero, ask yourself the question: who is my hero? Then study and clarify your hero’s journey.  Second, what are the roadblocks on the inward journey? They can be interpreted as challenges, temptations, and barriers that may cross your path. Furthermore, it should include the aids that the traveler or hero received and the resources they relied on. These challenges and barriers function like traffic signals, such as red, yellow or green lights which lead us to overcoming the barriers and to pass through the threshold of each of the psychological stages.

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