Tag Archives: assessment

So What’s Your Creative Quotient?

Posted by: Priya Senroy on March 15, 2014 12:39 pm

I think this winter has zapped my creativity and the only canvas I see around me is white…every time I try to infuse color…BAM comes the snow and wipes it clean…even my children are saying my food is not colorful…so have I lost my mojo or winter is just an excuse not to be creative….so I came across this website that I was exploring with a client around career assessment  on creative quotient…and I thought to myself…well mine must be zero at this time and I surprised myself with a   57%–

So what is Creative Quotient or CQ….well…Just as IQ and EQ has proven to be measures of specific capabilities, the capacity for creativity is increasingly the core to building value in these uncertain and treacherous times. And just as IQ and EQ scores can be raised significantly for anyone by teaching and training, so too can CQ be bolstered for clients, individuals and organizations. Perhaps we can use CQ as an assessment/evaluation tool in our counselling process

I do not know if  such tests  are right or wrong, valid or not  and I definitely  do not know the scientific validity behind it or if it is backed by best evidence based practice ,but it was interesting to think of the questions-even though I did not take it for my career exploration-it might be worthwhile to try it to get over the creative blah if anyone is feeling up to it..

It has definitely raised my mojo and now I am striving to see how I can improve it further.

So the websites where these tests and more information can be found are:





*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Reading for May

Posted by: Priya Senroy on May 15, 2012 7:00 am

I was approached by a counsellor not so long ago, who asked me about using creativity in counselling and I found an interesting article on a research which focused on the following questions:

The research questions were as follows: 

1. How many beginning counselors used creativity in counseling?

2. Did beginning counselors think that using creativity benefited their clients?

3. Did beginning counselors think that using creativity benefited them?

4. What materials would beginning counselors like to have access to in order to use creativity in counseling?

5. Did beginning counselors feel as though they had these materials available to use?

6. Would they have felt more inclined to use creativity if materials had been supplied to them by an in-house clinic at their university?

7. Did beginning counselors know that creative techniques were options to use in counseling?
Reading the research gave me some interesting information. So here it is for you


*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Diagnosing with Drawstrings

Posted by: Guest on April 12, 2011 9:04 am

Most times when clients and I meet for the first time, I may conduct a few informal assessments in order to get a better sense of what we are dealing with.  In the past I’ve not focused on categorizing clients into one category or another, partly because I’ve questioned the need but also because I’ve not had the proper assessment tools to do so.  As time passes, I’ve realized that formal diagnoses are sometimes necessary not only to guide my treatment plans, but also to communicate with other health professionals to coordinate services.

I recently took part in a training session of the Diagnostic Drawing Series (DDS), developed in 1982.  Barry Cohen, the primary creator of the DDS was the lead trainer, and described how it is one, if not the only empirically validated and reliable assessment tool that uses drawings to diagnose some of the conditions categorized in the DSM-IV.  The DDS is supported by over 30 years of research, which has not only been replicated numerous times in North America, but also in many countries across the world.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA