Tag Archives: anticipations

Who Do You See in the Mirror?

Posted by: Asa Don Brown on November 10, 2011 4:27 pm

Who do you see when you look into a mirror?  Do you recognize the image of the person looking back at you? How long has it been since you really took time to view your own image?  Are you familiar with your body’s changes and maturation?   If not, how long has it been since you recall really seeing yourself?  

Teaching your children to be honest with themselves, begins with you.  As parents, we need to be honest with our own person.  If we avoid being honest with our person, then our children will learn a lesson that it is okay to be dishonest with ourselves.  If you are dishonest with another, you will know the truth, but you will have to live with that falsity.  Ironically, if you are dishonest with your own person long enough, then this dishonesty will become your accepted truth. 

When is the last time you submerged into you own person? How long has it been since you spent time intra-reflecting?  Has it been a while since you spent time reflecting on your inner and outer being? Have you been capable of integrating your outer being with your inner being?  It is a difficult task for many to see their outer person, much less their inner being. Why?  When we see ourselves outwardly, our physical appearance, we see what others may interpret us to be. It is difficult for people to face their inner-beings.  Not only is it difficult, but it is not uncommon for an individual to avoid facing their inner being.  When we think of looking inwardly, it is more common that an individual will think on the negative, rather than seeing positive aspects of intra-reflection.  For many, they will only see their flaws, blemishes, and the perceived negative changes that life has brought about.  Whereas, few people spend quality time looking at the dichotomy of our makeup, the good and the bad, the yin and yang.  If we desire personal growth and maturation, then we must be willing to go deeper than surface level, we must be willing to know and face our inner being. 

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Back to School

Posted by: Asa Don Brown on October 13, 2011 11:09 am

At this point-in-time, your child has probably been in school for two-to-four weeks.  They are beginning to acclimatize to being back in the school routine.  For many children, returning to school ignites insecurities, anxieties, and feelings of apprehension.

For others, they return to school feeling jubilant and expressing great happiness.

Why the dichotomy of emotion? There are many reasons children develop these mixed emotions. For children who are dreading a return to school; it is often one singular negative experience that ignites their imagination. Why would a child allow a singular event to damper their academic pursuits? Children need to feel, experience, and ultimately be included.  Inclusion is the heart and soul of personal acceptance and worth.

What are some of the causations of such dread? Children may avoid or dread school because of a history of being bullied; they may find the academic process personally challenging or overwhelming; they may have failed or performed poorly in a class; they may have had teachers who were focused on their own personal matters, allowing the child to become lost in the academic cycle. 

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA