Compte Rendu du Congrès de recherche inaugural de l’ACCP
L’ACCP est fière de publier le compte rendu du Congrès de recherche inaugural du 16 et 17 février 2013 à l’Université d’Ottawa.
Pour télécharger le compte rendu complète, veuillez cliquer ici. Sinon, choisissez un lien ci-dessous pour lire les résumés individuels.
- Symposium: Cross-cultural Conversations: Forefronting Voices through Qualitative Exploration
- Counsellor Reflexivity in a Cross-Cultural Context: From Awareness to Engagement When Crossing Borders
- Culture in Counselling: A Qualitative Exploration of International Students’ University Counselling Eperiences
- Youth Engagement as a Tool for Empowerment and Healing Among Aboriginal Communities
- Symposium: Innovations in Psychotherapy Process and Outcome Research: Introduction to the Cognitive Error Rating System and to the Coping Patterns Rating Scale
- Cognitive Errors in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A survey of researchers and Practitioners and an Assessment of the Face Validity of the Cognitive Error Rating Scale
- Introduction to the Cognitive Error Rating System
- Introduction to the Coping Patterns Rating Scale (CPRS)
- The Relationship Between Cognitive Errors and Coping, and Symptoms and Outcome
- Symposium : L’usage prudent du « toucher » dans la relation d’aide
- Le toucher interdit et la culpabilité
- Transgressions de frontières et styles d’attachement: Oser faire confiance, après le toucher abusif
- Symposium: Qualitative Designs in Counselling Research: Using Multiple Data Sources to Understand Counselling Phenomena
- The Challenges of Life Events Research: Using a Mixed Methods Case Study to Explore the Subjective Experience of Well-Being Following Job Loss
- Using Qualitative Case Study Methodology: Design and Procedural Considerations for Counselling Eesearch
- Using the Delphi Poll in Supervision Self-Care Research
- Symposium: Cross-cultural Conversations: Forefronting Voices through Qualitative Exploration
- Better Gay than Dead: Positive Identity in Latino Gay Males
- Culturally Infused Research Practice: What is that and how do I do it?
- Cybercounselling Clients with Disabilities
- Diverging Realities, Converging Possibilities: A Scholarly Approach to Bridging the Gap Between Fiscal Constraints and Programme Accountability
- Equine Assisted Mental Health: A Pilot Program
- First Nations Youths’ Experiences with Wellness: A Four Directions Approach
- Forming and Maintaining Bonds with Others: What the Boys Say
- Graduate Psychology Students’ Preparation for Sexuality Related Counselling
- How do Supervisors Experience their Evaluative Role in Supervision? A Qualitative Inquiry
- Incidence des types psychologiques sur l’estime de soi : altération des facettes des soi actuel, idéal et devoir
- Les causes de l’abus spirituel et examen de la dynamique de l’abuseur et de l’abusé
- Psychosocial Adaptation to HIV/AIDS
- Recherche qualitative sur l’expérience de syncrétisme
- Recherches en cours dans l’identité internationale des étudiants et de préparation de carrière
- Reflections on the role of the researcher in sensitive organizational inquiry
- Resisting Bullying: Response-Based Narratives of the Victims and their families
- Sexual Minorities: Exploring the Sexual Identity Development and Ethnic Identity Formation of Multicultural Populations
- Smells Like Teen Spirit: The Impact of Aggressive Music on Bullying Participant Roles
- The Ambiguous Nature of Values in the Research: Definitions and Measurement
- The Ingredients for Effective Group Supervision: Exploring Potential Processes Identified in the Literature
- The JourneyMen Project – An Adventure Therapy Option in Domestic Violence
- To Carl Rogers, with Fond Regards: Interrogating our Dominant Models of Counsellor and Psychotherapy Skills Training
- A Case Study in Developing an Open Access Journal: The Ongoing Story of Education Matters
- A Critique of the Career Aspirations of Youth who are in Conflict with the Law
- A Narrative Exploration of Aboriginal Youth Involved in a Youth-driven Program
- A Qualitative Exploration of International Students’ Experience of Counselling Services at University
- Adult Education: The Need for Information on Mental Health Issues in the Classroom
- Defining the Relationship Between Bullying and Mental Health
- Employer Conditions that Facilitate Congruence between Immigrants’ Skill Level and Career
- Inter-Partner Touch in Couple Counselling: A Review of the Literature and Future Implications
- Intergenerational Conflict and Reconciliation: The Unique Experiences of Older Bicultural Asian-Canadians
- The Hopes and Fears of Counsellors-In-Training
- Recovered Enough? Evaluating Wellness Among Counsellors and Trainees with Eating Issues
- Secure Versus Avoidant: The Effect of Spirituality in Overcoming Conflict Created by Adverse Attachment Styles in Intercultural Couples