Author Archives: Tanya Levy

Resources for Coping with Anxiety in the Summer Time

Posted by: Tanya Levy on July 20, 2015 2:11 pm

July 20th, 2015

Summertime can be a beautiful time for rejuvenation and rest. It offers fresh air and sunshine for walks in nature, gardening or time at the beach. There is also opportunity for reconnecting with family and friends or for solitude and time alone. For some, reconnecting with family can bring up old feelings which can lead to anxiety before, during and after visits. Here are some suggestions and resources for dealing with anxiety:sailing-601541_640

1. Recognize what anxiety feels like for you
Anxiety can feel different for everyone. You might have racing thoughts, sweaty palms, or feel short of breath. If you can simply notice the symptoms and say to yourself, “here I go getting anxious”, it can take the pressure off of having to do anything. Sometimes noticing is enough. To help you notice how you are feeling in your body, one technique is to do a body scan. Here is a 10 minute body scan practice video to help ground you by Elisha Goldstein

2. Cultivate Mindfulness
Noticing allows us to be mindful and focused on the present moment. Dr. Russ Harris has a helpful section on mindfulness on his website and free resources too. Check out . Meditation can also help you become more present focused. Being present and focused allows you to focus on now and let other thoughts go. Here is a mindfulness meditation with Jon Kabat Zinn to help you be more mindful.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Why Self-Care is Essential in Times of Uncertainty

Posted by: Tanya Levy on June 9, 2015 11:19 am

June 9, 2015

It is difficult to turn on the radio or the news without hearing about cutbacks or changes to jobs or services. As counsellors we are the listeners to stories of personal and community change on a daily basis. As we support clients in their journey in times of uncertainty, how do we support ourselves to be fully present?

Self-care is essential as a counsellor and in times of uncertainty it becomes even more important. Think about the basic building blocks of self-care: adequate rest, healthy food choices, and activity that suits your body. Take a moment and reflect on your last week. Where in your daily routine have you made time for you. Even taking five minutes to breathe or walk outside and get fresh air can make a huge difference. In times of change, the small actions that are in our control can make a huge difference in our sense of personal equilibrium.

Looking at the relationships in your life is important. Self-care happens in the context of our workplaces, families, friendships and communities. As you examine the relationships in your life, consider the following questions. Are you getting enough support? Are you finding that the people in your life truly listen and give you a sense of feeling understood? Do you feholiday-754153_640el connected to your community? If not, where can you carve out time for you? Limit the time with people that do not nourish you. Seek out fun activities that you truly enjoy.

Daily practices that root you in mindfulness or enhance your spiritual self can be very beneficial. Mindfulness is the simple act of noticing the beauty in the world around you. Sitting on the back deck in the morning drinking a cup of tea as you watch the sun rise or listen to a bird singing. Mindfulness is about making time for noticing. Take time to breathe. Make room in your day for walking. Spend time in nature. For some, writing about or photographing what you see can help.

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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA

Transitioning to Future Post-Secondary Education

Posted by: Tanya Levy on April 29, 2015 11:40 am

Today I have had several students stand at my door and ask questions about future programs. One student said she was looking for a guide to point her in the right direction. We chatted for a few moments and I told her that transitioning is like a process of discovery and there is no wrong way to go about it. We discussed beginning steps for her exploration and a time to check in again with what she learned.


Supporting students with making decisions for future post-secondary education is a transitioning process. It involves reflecting on successes to date and how those successes may provide a pathway to the future. Evidence gathering in a portfolio of transcripts, learning narratives and information on programs of interest can be a place to start. On a deeper level students or applicants need permission to discover. Discovery involves asking questions that promote self-awareness as well as information gathering on future programs and careers. Helping students create questions can be helpful. Questions about future programs can cover several topics including: potential costs, admission requirements, waiting lists, length of program and future employment prospects. I encourage students to ask about additional program requirements such as specialized courses or practicums. Some students learn about their future through assessment taking and online research. Other students do best with in person interviews and volunteering.
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*The views expressed by our authors are personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of the CCPA